Eviction Representation for All!
Vote YES by May 16 on Multnomah County Measure 26-238
#MultCo #Multnomah #Portland #YesERA #YesMultco26238
#NoEvictionWithoutRepresentation #Housing
#multco #multnomah #portland #yesera #yesmultco26238 #noevictionwithoutrepresentation #housing
Eviction Representation for All!
Vote YES by May 16 on Multnomah County Measure 26-238
#MultCo #Multnomah #Portland #YesERA #YesMultco26238
#NoEvictionWithoutRepresentation #Housing
#multco #multnomah #portland #yesera #yesmultco26238 #noevictionwithoutrepresentation #housing
Eviction Representation for All!
Vote YES by May 16 on Multnomah County Measure 26-238
#multco #multnomah #portland #yesera #yesmultco26238 #noevictionwithoutrepresentation #housing
PSA: If you're unsure if your ballot was received or need to vote today you can go down to the Multnomah County elections office on 11th & Morrison to vote in-person. My partner and I never got BallotTrax notifications that our ballots were received after dropping them at the post office 2 weeks ago. It was amazingly smooth and fast to get a replacement ballot! #multco #vote