The goal of multilingual church is not to help integrate people into a church as it is right now but to provide a platform for the whole church to be transformed.
#multilingualChurch #MulticulturalChurch #MultiethnicChurch
#fedichurch #multiethnicchurch #multiculturalchurch #multilingualchurch
Something that fascinates me about #multilingualChurch is that it poses problems that are rarely talked about in #Conf1nt or even #PSI. Questions like:
- How do you identify people with the potential to be interpreters?
- How can you build volunteer interpreting capacity?
- How do you stop burnout among volunteers?
- How do you know when human interpreting isn't the right answer?
- How do you know when interpreting at all isn't the right answer?
- What does language neutral interpreter training look like?
- How do you have sensible conversations about #MulticulturalChurch without assuming everyone speaks English?
- What does Scripture tell us about #MulticulturalChurch and #multilingualChurch?
I could go on and on.
#multiculturalchurch #psi #conf1nt #multilingualchurch
3 ways churches can become multilingual, with their price tags and payoffs:
#MultiethnicChurch #ChurchInterpreting #MulticulturalChurch #InterculturalChurch #fedichurch #church #missions
#missions #church #fedichurch #interculturalchurch #multiculturalchurch #churchinterpreting #multiethnicchurch
Three things human #ChurchInterpreters can do that #AI can't.
1) Drop in brief explanations for concepts or stories that don't make sense in the language they're speaking.
2) Adapt their vocal or signing tone to make the style of the preacher or speaker work for the audience.
3) Do a live Bible translation lookup and get the equivalent translation in the language they are using.
#multiethnicchurch #multiculturalchurch #interpreting #1nt #ai #churchinterpreters
I am incredibly chuffed to tell you about the November (yes, I know) episode of The Church Interpreting Podcast, which just released.
If you are already into #churchinterpreting, my co-host, Lauryn has a special segment on why you need to receive from God while you are #interpreting
If you lead a #MultiethnicChurch or #MulticulturalChurch or #MiltulingualChurch, we have the lowdown on the different ways you can deliver interpreting and which might be best for you.
We also have a funny #1nt anecdote, some advice on dealing with discouragement and a quick tip on feedback, all in under 21 minutes.
Please do boost and/or reply with tag for someone who might be interested.
The episode is right here!
#1nt #miltulingualchurch #multiculturalchurch #multiethnicchurch #interpreting #churchinterpreting
@royal There are a few things. Fundamentally, #MultilingualChurch rests on #MulticulturalChurch. Really thinking through how a church can reach out to the community around it is the best start. It could mean working with local food banks, maybe building relationships with universities, anywhere in fact that people from different backgrounds might be. Are there already churches from a different community nearby? Before interpreting comes relationship.
I would also strongly suggest that churches get support from churches and leaders who have already walked that road before.
#multiculturalchurch #multilingualchurch
I am super excited to have managed to update with three new articles, including one in Spanish and one touching on #MentalHealth in #ChurchInterpreting. Please take a look and go share. All the new articles are in the For Interpreters section.
#multilingualchurch #multiculturalchurch #church #churchinterpreting #mentalhealth