Marcel SIneM(S)US · @simsus
222 followers · 5536 posts · Server
Tom · @tom
56 followers · 261 posts · Server

Die kompromittierten Konten schreien nach MFA.

#mfa #multifactorauthentication

Last updated 1 year ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
3258 followers · 261801 posts · Server

Frontegg launches entitlements engine to streamline access authorization - Frontegg’s new entitlement engine will be powered by context-aware logic controls (CALC) ... -

#authentication #multifactorauthentication

Last updated 1 year ago

InfoWorld · @InfoWorld
17 followers · 316 posts · Server
Hackernoon · @hackernoon_bot
397 followers · 7302 posts · Server
Brad Linder · @bradlinder
700 followers · 717 posts · Server

Security key maker Yubico is "merging" with a Swedish holding company called ACQ Bure in order to become a publicly traded company. It's unclear what, if any, long term impact this will have on the company's products.

#yubico #security #multifactorauthentication

Last updated 2 years ago

IT News · @itnewsbot
3051 followers · 254631 posts · Server
IT News · @itnewsbot
3002 followers · 252771 posts · Server

Still using authenticators for MFA? Software for sale can hack you anyway - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images)

Microsoft on Tuesday profiled s... - -factorauthentication

#mfa #2fa #biz #phishing #accounttakeovers #two #multifactorauthentication

Last updated 2 years ago

Tech news from Canada · @TechNews
353 followers · 9653 posts · Server
F0rm4t · @F0rm4t
41 followers · 43 posts · Server
Mika Rautio · @mrautio
51 followers · 146 posts · Server

Mercedes-Benz is rolling out Mercedes pay for in-vehicle payments for use cases like fuel purchases.

Payments done using interesting multi-factor authentication setup: with a car as the two ton "what you have" factor combined with "what you are" (fingerprint).

#payments #multifactorauthentication

Last updated 2 years ago

tkteo · @tkteo
43 followers · 1353 posts · Server

Software development tool GitHub will require more accounts to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) starting on March 13. That mandate will extend to all developers who contribute code on GitHub dot com by the end of 2023.

GitHub announced its plan to roll out a 2FA requirement in a blog post last May. At that time, the company's chief security officer said that it was making the move because GitHub (which is used by millions of software developers around the world across myriad industries) is a vital part of the software supply chain. Said supply chain has been subject to several attacks in recent years and months, and 2FA is a strong defense against social engineering and other particularly common methods of attack.

When that blog post was written, GitHub revealed that only around 16.5 percent of active GitHub users used 2FA—far lower than you'd expect from technologists who ought to know the value of it.

#security #software #supplychain #softwaredevelopment #github #2fa #mfa #twofactorauthentication #multifactorauthentication #opensource #opensourcesoftware

Last updated 2 years ago

tkteo · @tkteo
43 followers · 1347 posts · Server

Automatic MFA bypass
The most notable feature introduced in the new Xenomorph version is the ATS framework, which enables cybercriminals to extract credentials automatically, check account balances, conduct transactions, and steal money from target apps without performing remote actions.

Instead, the operator simply sends JSON scripts which Xenomorph converts into a list of operations and executes them autonomously on the infected device.

"The [ATS execution] engine used by Xenomorph stands out from its competition thanks to the extensive selection of possible actions that are programmable and can be included in ATS scripts, in addition to a system that allows for conditional execution and action prioritization," explains ThreatFabrics researchers.

One of the most impressive capabilities of the malware’s ATS framework is its ability to log the content of third-party authentication applications, beating MFA (multi-factor authentication) protections that would otherwise block automated transactions.

#malware #mfa #multifactorauthentication #2fa #twofactorauthentication #cybersecurity #banking #cryptocurrency

Last updated 2 years ago

Beth Pariseau · @BPariseau
282 followers · 79 posts · Server
Zeroday Podcast (stefan) · @zeroday
138 followers · 270 posts · Server

Wenn ihr die Möglichkeit hättet jemanden der euch passwortlose MFA verkaufen möchte, alles zu fragen was ihr wollt, was würdet ihr fragen?

#Frage #mfa #security #infosec #multifactorauthentication #passwort #podcast #interview

Last updated 2 years ago

tkteo · @tkteo
22 followers · 939 posts · Server

"MFA Weaknesses

Why do we need a new approach to authentication? Bypassing existing MFA techniques to garner employee credentials or to take over employee accounts has become child's play for attackers. There are even videos on YouTube explaining how to do it. Techniques range from simple phishing to push bombing — where attackers send push notifications until the employee accepts one — to more complex SS7 communications protocol exploits to obtain texted MFA codes.

For example, take the common MFA technique of using a push notification as the second factor.

One common approach the attackers use is to create a fake company login page, then send out phishing emails to drive employees to that page. When an employee enters their username and password into the fake page, the attacker simply takes the credentials and enters them into the real login page. When the employee receives the MFA request (the push notification), they are likely to treat it as genuine and click "Yes." With that simple approach, the attacker has now compromised the employee's account and has a beachhead into the company's network that can allow them to move laterally and install malware or ransomware.

People as a Point of Failure

Not all vulnerabilities are technical. Social engineering is becoming more sophisticated, with attackers using texts and voice calls targeted at specific employees to add credibility and urgency to that phishing email. The attackers pose as IT technicians or other trusted authorities to create that trust with the targeted employee. These techniques can be very effective, as hapless users willingly will do as asked, assuming they are speaking with a trusted person from their own organization.

Enter the FIDO2 Standard

So, what is FIDO2, and how can it help address these MFA vulnerabilities? Developed by the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance, FIDO2is an authentication method containing two components: WebAuthn (W3C) and CTAP (FIDO Alliance), which together eliminate the security gaps in standard MFA services.

#security #people #malware #2fa #mfa #twofactorauthentication #multifactorauthentication #cybersecurity

Last updated 2 years ago

IoT for All · @iot4all_bot
53 followers · 1970 posts · Server
tkteo · @tkteo
17 followers · 823 posts · Server

Would this have helped that developer?

"People working remotely is no longer unusual, so the National Security Agency (NSA) has produced a short Best Practices PDF document detailing how remote workers can keep themselves safe from harm. In fact, the guide can also be applied to people using computers at home generally and is written in a way that's easy to understand.

Back to basics

The NSA's three main executive summary points are:

Upgrade and update all equipment and software regularly, including routing devices

Back up your data and disconnecting any devices you can

Limit administration to the internal network only"

#lastpass #data #software #network #developer #nationalsecurity #cybersecurity #infosec #informationsecurity #vpn #2fa #mfa #twofactorauthentication #multifactorauthentication #yubico #yubikey

Last updated 2 years ago

Redbeard · @redbeardsec
20 followers · 119 posts · Server
IoT for All · @iot4all_bot
52 followers · 1950 posts · Server