Meine #Akkulampe und mein #Multimeter haben auch den Geist aufgegeben. Letzteres möchte jetzt den 1kV-Bereich in mV messen. Ich probiere mal nicht aus, ob das klappt.
Digital Microscope With An On-Screen Multimeter - Some things go together, like chocolate and peanut butter. Others are more odd pai... - #microscope #multimeter #toolhacks
#toolhacks #multimeter #microscope
Dentist Tool Hardware Inspires Non-Slip Probe Tips - Cross-pollination between different industries can yield interesting innovations, ... - #dentalburr #multimeter #toolhacks #probetips #hardware #adapter #nonslip #dmm
#dmm #nonslip #adapter #hardware #probetips #toolhacks #multimeter #dentalburr
Among those who have home electronic labs, I don't know who in their right mind is buying a pedestrian Fluke 115 electrician's multimeters on Amazon for over $200 (, when they can pick up a famous #Fluke 8060A electronics #multimeter on eBay for $60 (
Calibration, you ask? Use DMMCheck Plus.
So, ein #Multimeter aus der Kiste „defekt“ geborgt als Anschauungsobjekt; scheint auch so ein bisschen zu funktionieren … vielleicht macht es ja gleich noch Puff und wir haben etwas Spaß 😜
Gossen Metrawatt, max12; sehr gute Dinger, aber ich das Fluke-Gelb finde ich schöner …
Your Multimeter Might Be Lying To You #circuitbehavior #highfrequency #shortcircuit #amaterradio #transformer #continuity #multimeter #ToolHacks #antenna #testing #radio #tools #ham #dc
#circuitbehavior #highfrequency #shortcircuit #amaterradio #transformer #continuity #multimeter #ToolHacks #antenna #testing #radio #tools #ham #dc
Your Multimeter Might Be Lying To You - Multimeters are indispensable tools when working on electronics. It’s almost impos... - #circuitbehavior #highfrequency #shortcircuit #amaterradio #transformer #continuity #multimeter #toolhacks #antenna #testing #radio #tools #ham #dc
#dc #ham #tools #radio #testing #antenna #toolhacks #multimeter #continuity #transformer #amaterradio #shortcircuit #highfrequency #circuitbehavior
Yay. I just did an electronics video. I don't really feel all that great at the moment but I did make a video. This keeps you up to date with my number one pestilential problem - multimeters.
Has anybody found anything so generically useless as modern multimeters? Every one I buy seems to last a maximum of a year no matter whether I change the batteries or not. They become unreliable and just plain bizarre and it doesn't matter how much is spent on them.
Latest artwork from my daughter for my lab wall. The notorious annual #Multimeter drawing.
Who of you can guess the model?
Wie genau erkennt die Kugel, dass es dunkel ist?
Mit der Photodiode. Und das Kind probiert, was die bei Licht und Schatten macht. Für sowas ist das alte Siemens B1012 mit seiner analogen Anzeige toll :-)
#multimeter #elektronik #oten #kinder
Mein europäisches Allstar-Team der frühen 80er ist jetzt komplett:
#Fluke 8020A (Made in Holland, designed in USA)
#NORMA D1216 (Made in Austria)
#Metrix MX562 (Made in France)
...jaja, einen Vogel muss man halt haben. Aber hab noch einiges dazugelernt durchs reparieren und restaurieren von den Dingern und es macht spaß.
#fluke #norma #metrix #vintage #dmm #multimeter
#Metrix MX 562 restaurieren und wieder zum Laufen bekommen: ✅
Ein Gerät mit sehr interessanten Designmerkmalen. Die relative Kompaktheit trotz THT-Bestückung und 2-lagiger Platine wurde scheinbar durch "kreative" Bestückung und Ideenreichtum ausgeglichen.
Made in France. Tolles Gerät. Typisch französisch: Alles geschwungen, sogar die Platine. :-)
#metrix #multimeter #dmm #vintage #elektronik
Interessante Art, den Buzzer anzuschließen. :-)
Innenansicht Metrix MX 562
#vintage #elektronik #multimeter
Fluke 12 Multimeter, discontinued sometime around 2003. Simple, capable, and Made in the USA. 🇺🇸
#legacy #fluke #multimeter #tools #photos
Tools and tool kits for commercial and general use. They consist of a variety of implements, such as a hammer, spanners, wrenches, cutting implements, pliers, electrical implements, bits, tool kits, allen key sets, screw drivers, and testers, among others.
For Further details,
Contact - +91-9821614731
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#mohnotinstruments #ipin #fluke #kyoritsu #rishabh #megger #resistance #multimeter
#mohnotinstruments #ipin #fluke #kyoritsu #rishabh #megger #resistance #multimeter
Making Mohnot Instruments a leading supplier in Test & Measurement industry keeping our client’s betterment in mind and making a priority to maintain our quality service all the way.
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#mohotinstruments #megger #insulation #multimeter #voltage #ipin #fluke #kyoritsu #rishabh #b2bsale #supplier
#mohotinstruments #megger #insulation #multimeter #voltage #ipin #fluke #kyoritsu #rishabh #b2bsale #supplier
utilized before installation to inspect the quality and condition of motors that have been in storage. The device has three distinct operating modes for measuring various fault types, including faulty insulation, open circuits/loose connections, short circuits, and rotor flaws.
For Further details,
Contact - +91-9821614731
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#mohnotinstruments #multimeter #megger #insulation #fluke #ipin #rishabh #b2bsale #supplier #brand
#mohnotinstruments #multimeter #megger #insulation #fluke #ipin #rishabh #b2bsale #supplier #brand
Both indoors and out, an environmental tester can be used to evaluate a wide range of variables, including humidity, temperature, wind speed or velocity, wind direction, air quality, sound level, electromagnetic waves, ionizing radiation, and more
For Further details,
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#mohnotinstruments #resistance #megger #voltage #ipin #fluke #rishabh #multimeter #supplier #b2bsale
#mohnotinstruments #resistance #megger #voltage #ipin #fluke #rishabh #multimeter #supplier #b2bsale
Without making direct contact with the wire, a clamp meter, also referred to as a tong tester, is a tool used to measure the current flowing through a wire.
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#mohnotinstruments #multimeter #ipin #fluke #kyoritsu
Wurde gefragt, ob es sich lohnt, eines von den neuen #Voltcraft-Multimetern zu kaufen (VC-131, VC-171, VC-191, VC-232, VC-251, VC-282, VC-292, VC-831, VC-851, VC-871, VC-891, etc.).
Bisher habe ich noch keines in den Händen gehabt. Die Geräte tragen aber eindeutig die Handschrift von Uni-T.
Schlecht sind sie bestimmt nicht, aber wenn ich die Wahl hätte, würde ich eher was anderes nehmen. Die Specs sind ok, aber hauen einen jetzt nicht von den Socken (VC-891: 0,03% +/-8 m) )