Reflecting on my earlier thesis notes I'm realizing I have a lot to say now about imposter syndrome.
#research #PhD #liminality #identity #literacy #multimodalLiteracy
#multimodalliteracy #literacy #identity #liminality #phd #research
"This world has given you every last thing that you have, including the very breath in your lungs.
Would you abandon it?"
From the Hawthorn wiki: "The Psychopomps are the major guides who rule over their individual realms within the Beyond. They are referred to in-game as “Archons”. The Archons of the Beyond are Nebel, Lughan, Maere, Fount, Loku, Draum, and Mab, the High Archon of the Hiddenfolk."
#multimodalliteracy #designingforliteracy #literacy
Fixed the uploading glitches! Here's the teaser trailer for my interactive fiction prototype, Hawthorn
#sensemaking #literacy #multimodalliteracy #belonging #community #complexinformationsystems
#complexinformationsystems #Community #belonging #multimodalliteracy #literacy #sensemaking
CW: experiment project design
From the chapter "A Journey to Halflight" from my thesis project experimental game.
BTW, the helmed customer's name is Lord Edgg. I'm very pleased with myself.
#multimodalliteracy #transliteracy #sensemaking #informationecology #knowledgesharing
#knowledgesharing #informationecology #sensemaking #transliteracy #multimodalliteracy
"Freedom is participation in power." - Cicero
#multimodalliteracy #transliteracy #literacy
re: thesis project
Marshmallow McLuhan x Lugh x Mega Man x Kafka's Metamorphosis = this weirdo. I had intended to make him much more humanoid but you know in the commercial version I just may keep the man/cybernetic system/beetle mashup because it suits the character and chapter theme so well.
#experimentdesign #researchmethods #cybernetics #technology #literacy #multimodalliteracy #transliteracy #sensemaking #gamedesign
#gamedesign #sensemaking #transliteracy #multimodalliteracy #literacy #technology #cybernetics #researchmethods #experimentdesign
WIP: My worthless masterpiece, etc.
Finally, my years accruing useless knowledge about archaeology and folklore are paying off, though. Mostly hammering out the logic is the thing for me, I have to resist the urge to flesh out the game at this stage since it's not important to the study. It will pay off when I analyze the data.
#experimentdesign #researchmethods #datacollection #literacy #multimodalliteracy #transliteracy #sensemaking #gamedesign
#gamedesign #sensemaking #transliteracy #multimodalliteracy #literacy #datacollection #researchmethods #experimentdesign
I'm going to attempt to do something kind of different with my thesis; people will be able to go through it as an interactive experiment. If you'd like to muck around in the unknown for research, I'll be putting out a call for study participants this fall if all goes to plan. In the meantime, I'd like to put this out into the world: Hawthorn, my thesis' big idea translated into a game.
#multimodalliteracy #literacy #complexity #informationbehavior #informationdesign #transliteracy
#transliteracy #informationdesign #informationbehavior #complexity #literacy #multimodalliteracy