Google announced Project IDX, An Experiment to Improve Full-stack, Multiplatform App Development, an AI-infused cloud-based integrated development environment.
Project IDX is a browser-based development experience built on Google Cloud and powered by Codey, a foundational AI model trained on code and built on PaLM 2. It’s designed to make it easier to build, manage and deploy full-stack web and multiplatform applications, with popular frameworks and languages.
Developers will be able to develop from anywhere, on any device, with the full fidelity of local development. Every Project IDX workspace has the full capabilities of a Linux-based VM, paired with the universal access that comes with being hosted in the cloud, in a datacenter near you.
#Google #AI #MultiplatformProgramming #ProjectIDX #WebBasedDev #GoogleDocs #GoogleCloud #CodeyAI #TextToCode #FirebaseHosting #CrossDeviceSyncing #ArtificialIntelligence #SoftwareDevelopment #WebBrowser
#google #AI #multiplatformprogramming #projectidx #webbaseddev #googledocs #googlecloud #codeyai #texttocode #firebasehosting #crossdevicesyncing #artificialintelligence #softwaredevelopment #webbrowser