Wired: How to Choose the Best Game Subscription Service (2023): Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, Nintendo Online https://www.wired.com/story/best-game-subscriptions/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Gear/Products/Gaming #Gear/HowToandAdvice #MultipleChoice #buyingguides #Playstation #videogames #gamingtips #Microsoft #Shopping #Gear #Sony #xbox
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #gear #multiplechoice #buyingguides #playstation #videogames #gamingtips #microsoft #shopping #sony #xbox
Wired: How to Choose the Best Game Subscription Service (2023): Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, Nintendo Online https://www.wired.com/story/best-game-subscriptions/ #Gear/Products/Gaming #Gear/HowToandAdvice #MultipleChoice #buyingguides #Playstation #videogames #gamingtips #Microsoft #Shopping #Gear #Sony #xbox
#gear #multiplechoice #buyingguides #playstation #videogames #gamingtips #microsoft #shopping #sony #xbox
Puns AndOneliners (punsandoneliner): There are two secrets to success in life:
1. Dont tell them everything you know.
https://punsandoneliners.com/randomness/multiple-choice-jokes/ #MultipleChoice #MultipleChoiceJokes #Joke
#multiplechoice #multiplechoicejokes #joke
👉 #Poll with #MultipleChoice
›Should a #cooperative operating #Fediverse #instance|s be #NonProfit or #ForProfit?‹
Consider on my #Friendica:
🧷 (1) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-5963-a78a-1fdb-280674518614
🧷 (2) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-6963-a78d-48a0-6a2325471766
And the #ICA ›#GuidanceNotes on the #CooperativePrinciples‹ (several languages available):
🧷 https://www.ica.coop/en/media/library/research-and-reviews/guidance-notes-cooperative-principles
🏷️ #Coop #RochdalePrinciples #PlatformCooperative #SurveillanceCapitalism #Distributism #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Capitalism #Classism #Matrix #Mutualism #MutualAid #Genossenschaft
#poll #multiplechoice #cooperative #fediverse #instance #nonprofit #forprofit #friendica #ica #guidancenotes #cooperativeprinciples #coop #rochdaleprinciples #platformcooperative #surveillancecapitalism #distributism #mastodon #pixelfed #capitalism #classism #matrix #mutualism #mutualaid #genossenschaft
Best Game Subscription Services (2022): Xbox Game Pass, PlayStation Plus, Nintendo Online - PlayStation Plus Extra or Plus Premium? Xbox Live Gold or Game Pass Ultimate? It’s all so... - https://www.wired.com/story/best-game-subscriptions/ #gear/products/gaming #gear/howtoandadvice #multiplechoice #gear
Many #teaching techniques (e.g., Mazur’s Peer Instruction) suggest asking a (well-designed) #MultipleChoice question of the class and having them hold up #cards marked A/B/C/D.
… so you’d think someone would be manufacturing such cards. After several minutes of searching, pretty much all I can find are PDF templates to print out and cut apart with scissors.
Closest thing so far:
There has to be a way to do this more cheaply. Also, having each letter a different color would make it easier to read the room.
#multiplechoice #cards #teaching
#test #question #html #alttag #answer #multiplechoice #hover #screenshot #animatedgif
#html #alttag #test #question #answer #hover #multiplechoice #screenshot #animatedgif
#html #alttag #test #question #answer #hover #multiplechoice #screenshot #animatedgif
multiple choice...
#buddhist #nirvana #oasis #metallica #multiplechoice #quiz
multiple choice...
#buddhist #nirvana #oasis #metallica #multiplechoice #quiz
We are at the #multiplechoice section of my #health. Is it —
a) #lymphedema
b) #inflammatory #boweldisease
c) mesenteric #panniculitis
d) #lymphoma
e) a combination of some
f) all of the above
— that afflicts me? http://bit.ly/2B6ob7I
#multiplechoice #health #lymphedema #inflammatory #boweldisease #panniculitis #lymphoma
meanwhile, in the uk...
#meanwhile #uk #multiplechoice #gameshow #nirvana #smellsliketeenspirit #school #dinner #mum #vidcap #question #answers #quizshow
#meanwhile #uk #multiplechoice #gameshow #nirvana #smellsliketeenspirit #school #dinner #mum #vidcap #question #answers #quizshow
meanwhile, in the uk...
#meanwhile #uk #multiplechoice #gameshow #nirvana #smellsliketeenspirit #school #dinner #mum #vidcap #question #answers #quizshow
#meanwhile #uk #multiplechoice #gameshow #nirvana #smellsliketeenspirit #school #dinner #mum #vidcap #question #answers #quizshow
multiple choice...
#buddhist #nirvana #oasis #metallica #multiplechoice #quiz