Yannik Severin at ETH Zurich
now speaking on
"Multiplexed high-throughput immune cell imaging reveals molecular health-associated phenotypes"
Seeking to be able to screen #immunecells for responses to drugs
#singlecell resolution, to see morphology, subcellular
developed #multiplexed #PBMC characterization, trained #CNN -- as in #NeuralNetwork
#cssinglecells23 #neuralnetwork #cnn #pbmc #multiplexed #SingleCell #immunecells
Lacramioara Bintu from Stanford introducing the first speaker of the conference! She is Prisca Liberali from FMI in Basel, joining us virtually.
"Decoding the design principles of tissue organization"
Model system is intestinal #organoids
One #stemcell can generate an entire, organized, organoid
#multiplexed #SingleCell analysis of organoids, using to understand #regeneration after intestinal damage
A screen with 400K organoids and 3000 compounds!
#regeneration #SingleCell #multiplexed #stemcell #cssinglecells23 #selforganization #organoids