Zellij New WASM Plugin System
#rust #terminal #multiplexer
Definitely recommending checking out this video about configuring #tmux! If you don't know what is Tmux, it's a terminal multiplexer allowing multiple terminal sessions to be accessed simultaneously in a single window and more. Tmux is really awesome.
#tmux #terminal #cli #linux #multiplexer
Zellij terminal multiplexer talk with the author Aram & Bashbunni.
#Zellij #tmux #screen #terminal #cli #multiplexer
The lovely @imsnif et al. have just released a new version of Zellij (a terminal workspace with split panes, and much more).
The latest version brings stacked panes, auto and swap layouts, and floating panes in layouts.
#zellif #terminal #multiplexer #cli #dev
Started playing around with @zellij and I'm already hooked. This is just the thing for all of us #terminal people… saves me from individually setting up seven-ty-thou-sand #i3wm windows for a single debug session or a course demo. Epic shout out to @imsnif ! Also for that excellent user guide. 📚👍
#terminal #i3wm #Zellij #tui #linux #workspace #multiplexer #foss
Gotta say, I’m a little in love with the layouts feature of Zellij¹.
(This is going to come in very handy when doing live demos/streams of Kitten².)
¹ https://zellij.dev/tutorials/layouts/
² https://codeberg.org/kitten/app
#terminal #dev #multiplexer #workspace #linux #foss #zellij #kitten
#kitten #Zellij #foss #linux #workspace #multiplexer #dev #terminal
NewProducts 12/21/22 Feat #Adafruit PCA9546 4-Channel STEMMA QT / Qwiic I2C #Multiplexer!
NewProducts 12/21/22 Feat #Adafruit PCA9546 4-Channel STEMMA QT / Qwiic I2C #Multiplexer! https://blog.adafruit.com/?p=537734
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
RT @mnt_io@twitter.com
Zellij, https://zellij.dev/.
It’s a terminal workspace with battery included.
It’s basically tmux but simpler and with a better UI by default. And it’s written in Rust. With plugins.
See the roadmap, https://zellij.dev/roadmap/.
#rustlang #multiplexer #terminal
Zellij, https://zellij.dev/.
It’s a terminal workspace with battery included.
It’s basically tmux but simpler and with a better UI by default. And it’s written in Rust. With plugins.
See the roadmap, https://zellij.dev/roadmap/.
#terminal #multiplexer #rustlang
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
Converting an 80s Typewriter Into a Linux Terminal
#multiplexer #raspberrypi #LinuxHacks #daisywheel #typewriter #teletype #terminal #arduino #linux #tty
#multiplexer #RaspberryPi #LinuxHacks #daisywheel #typewriter #teletype #terminal #arduino #linux #tty
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
So, das Platinchen ist fertig.
Links in Blau, die Schraubklemmen für die Sensoren.
Rechts der #Arduino #esp8266 mit Status Led (blinkt mit 1Hz)
unten links ein #Multiplexer Ic CD 4051B
unten rechts der 4 Kanal #operationsverstärker LM324N als Impedanzwandler, Differenzierer und Verstärker
Aufgelötet auf einer Steeifenplatine
#arduino #esp8266 #multiplexer #operationsverstärker
Krank daheim ist soooo unproduktiv:
- #Arduino Esp 8266 liest per #multiplexer 6 Ntc Sensoren ein und stellt eine Webseite mit Tabelle zur Verfügung
- #RaspberryPi liest die Webseite ein und extrahiert die 6 Temperaturen und schiebt sie in die #mariadb an den richtigen Platz. Fehlt nur noch der Datenvergleich (kleine Änderungen ignorieren) und die Schleife damit es alle 5 Minuten ausgeführt wird.
Dann kann ich es endlich anschließen :-)
#arduino #multiplexer #raspberrypi #mariadb
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#terminal #tmux #fork #tmate #multiplexer
tmate: Instantly Share Terminal Session With Other Linux Users
#tmate #terminal #multiplexer #tmux #fork
#multiplexer #tmux #fork #tmate #terminal