BoneQuest · @bonequest
418 followers · 746 posts · Server
Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2325 followers · 9071 posts · Server

My wife & I may have binged the first 8 episodes of yesterday 😅

Both of us have known some folks with plural systems & have some surface-level academic understanding of the medical term (Dissociative Identity Disorder).

However, as it's not either of our lived experiences, we don't know how representative it is of some folks' systems.

May I please kindly ask the community for your insights? :PluralPrideRingsSymbol:

#thecrowdedroom #plural #plurality #system #multiplicity #did

Last updated 1 year ago

Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
235 followers · 1736 posts · Server
Jon Awbrey · @Inquiry
235 followers · 1735 posts · Server
Siyeh · @pandemoniumcrutch
192 followers · 811 posts · Server

Hi y'all! I'm Siyeh.

I'm on team zebra with and I have which manifests in symptoms resembling and

I'm the only remaining member of a , but still remain informed by and have friendships with many on/offline

I'm and and most of my friends and loved ones are too!

I have several low vision/blind/Deaf pals and spend a lot of time reconciling conflicting access needs while organizing for

#heds #eds #LongCovid #pots #mecfs #system #multiplicity #plurals #trans #neurodivergent #disabilityjustice

Last updated 2 years ago

bctallis · @bctallis
266 followers · 996 posts · Server

A great day yesterday at for the retirement Fest of one of my academic mentors (& all round Don, in every sense) Justin Rosenberg.
So many interesting papers and moving messages for the originator of research.


Last updated 2 years ago

nowtimetraveler · @nowtimetraveler
55 followers · 230 posts · Server

Full disclosure: re-reading blessed is the flame (and shortly afterwards doing my best to answer an open question about being in the work place, {because of all I left unsaid but needed to be said} triggered a meltdown.

In these moments it gets really hard for me (or those that witness it) to separate from a regular

It only lasted all night (this basically involves me being in a bad place, non-verbal, stimming and walking back and forth for hours, sometimes)

The last similar metldown lasted 5 days, the one before 8.

As mentioned earlier, in these moments it is really hard to decide wether this an event linked with me being autistic, or with C-ptsd (and wether the C-ptsd is a consequence of me being ) weirder even, in these moments if someone needs to communicate with me and I'm able to be verbal, more often than not, the only way I am able to communicate (and those around me can interact with me) can only be read under an all together different framework, that of . I understand where that comes from, ça coule de source

I have decided (and I also believe this to be true) that I am an autistic person who endured C-ptsd.

My experiences can only be read through the prism of being (and ) butt I'm an person who also has had to survive not only in a sanist and ableist society, but also one whom endured long term abuse (if most of not any kind), my meltdowns cannot be separated from my C-ptsd triggers, and when those combine, when confronted with something unacceptable, my mind will go back to that place where it compartmentalizes.

Last night was such a night.

#actuallyautistic #cptsd #acruallyautistic #meltdown #plurality #multiplicity #did #trans

Last updated 2 years ago

One Faraday, DC · @theDC
2 followers · 7 posts · Server

I think that we are at an interesting time for people. Socially speaking, plurality is an emerging identity that is just starting to gel into an established cultural idea. It's up to us to determine, from the inside, the shape of that idea. I still see a lot of questions from new multiples, asking things like "we're like this, is this normal?" We don't have a 'normal' yet. You get to decide with us.

#plural #multiplicity #DissociativeIdentityDisorder

Last updated 2 years ago

Eukaryotic Menace · @EukaryoticMenace
6 followers · 113 posts · Server

Shout out to the amazing . A discord bot that helps (several people living in one body, most commonly identified as Dissociative Identity Disorder but I dislike the medical model). It allows members to set up their own nicknames and avatars and similar awesome stuff. We love it and we've even set up a server just for our system!

#multiplicity #plurality #plurals #PluralKit

Last updated 5 years ago

Serin Delaunay · @serindelaunay
79 followers · 3315 posts · Server