#multiply : to add (any given number or quantity) to itself a certain number of times
- French: multiplie
- German: multiplizieren
- Italian: moltiplicare
- Portuguese: multiplicar
- Spanish: multiplica
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #AnnieNightingalePresents
🎵 Skin on Skin
#nowplaying #annienightingalepresents #bbcr1 #multiply
Adults in Staffordshire invited to brush up on math skills to support children with their learning
#Lichfield #Education #News #maths #Multiply #numeracy #PhilipWhite #StaffordshireCountyCouncil
#lichfield #education #news #maths #multiply #numeracy #philipwhite #staffordshirecountycouncil
This was to support the #Multiply programme, which will fund free numeracy courses for adults across the UK. Here are some of our key takeaways: (2/10)
Our team was commissioned by @edeeucationgovuk to explore the evidence on adult numeracy skills policy in the last 20 years (1/10)
View our report here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/review-of-the-evidence-on-the-numeracy-skills-interventions-for-adults
#education #policy #numeracy #adulteducation #ukeducation #mathseducation #compulsorymaths #socialresearch #multiply #publicpolicy #rishisunak #departmentforeducation #multiply #evidencemap #ukpolicy #publicpolicy
#education #policy #numeracy #adulteducation #ukeducation #mathseducation #compulsorymaths #socialresearch #multiply #publicpolicy #RishiSunak #departmentforeducation #evidencemap #UKpolicy
Free courses offer Lichfield and Burntwood residents help to manage household budgets
#Lichfield #Education #News #maths #Multiply #StaffordshireCountyCouncil
#lichfield #education #news #maths #multiply #staffordshirecountycouncil
#multiply : to add (any given number or quantity) to itself a certain number of times
- French: multiplie
- German: multiplizieren
- Italian: moltiplicare
- Portuguese: multiplicar
- Spanish: multiplica
Report an incorrect translation @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations