Being able to use my #archlinux computer with my wife using #multiseat (each using different keyboards, mice and screens) under #wayland thanks to #loginctl #gdm and the patches from and
I wonder if I can achieve the same thing under #freebsd with #seatd for example, once the whole thing is merged in #gnome (I'm using #sway on my side). Has anyone given a try to a similar setup ?
#archlinux #multiseat #wayland #loginctl #gdm #freebsd #seatd #gnome #sway
#multiseat for #wayland is coming in #gdm and in #gnomeshell 😍
Already using these patches on top of #archlinux packages to share my workstation with my wife :) 2 set of screens + 2 set of keyboards/mice + 2 GPUs
huge thanks to the dev !
#multiseat #wayland #gdm #gnomeshell #archlinux
There comes a first time for every parent when your child troubleshoots a tech problem that had you stumped.
Background: My #archlinux desktop is setup in a #multiseat fashion, but sddm sometimes gets in the way when trying to switch users. This will cause the secondary seat to display a blank terminal with flashing cursor. When this occurs, nothing short of restarting sddm will fix it.
Enter my 2nd grader. The above situation occurs and they are in the middle of a game. I start apologizing there will be lost progress because I'll have to force a restart.
"Yeah, just turn it off and on again" my child says, and proceeds to turn off only the *monitor* and then back on.
"That won't help here." I start to say as the monitor comes back to life. "It has to be the whole com...pu...ter." The screen flares back to life, game happy as can be. I'm dumbfounded. "Huh, that shouldn't have worked..."
By this time next year they'll likely be better at installing printer drivers then myself. 😅
@autinerd Oder ein paar #RAM-Riegel nachstecken - für ältere Plattformen gibt es die günstig gebraucht auf den einschlägigen Auktionsplattformen oder von Refurbishern ...
Meine 12 Jahre alte Maschine (DDR2-RAM) habe ich so immerhin auf 16GB aufrüsten können 😏 Das reicht unter #linux locker für 2 user (#multiseat) und bei Bedarf kann ich parallel noch VMs starten
#Linux + 3 GPUs + 3 Screens + #Multiseat via loginctl + 2 virtual NICs via Network Namespaces + #Lutris + #warcraft3 #frozenthrone = LAN Party on 1 PC 😜
#linux #multiseat #lutris #warcraft3 #frozenthrone
@realramnit @kuketzblog
Mein #Linux-PC ist (außer der SSD und RAM-Aufrüstung) 10 Jahre alt und bietet 2 Arbeitsplätze (#multiseat). Aktuelle CPUs sind bezogen auf single thread Leistung nur unwesentlich schneller und mehr Kerne brauche ich nicht - also wird er (hoffentlich) noch eine ganze Weile laufen.
Mein Handy ist ein #Fairphone 2: modular aufgebaut, leicht zu reparieren und gut mit OS-Updates versorgt.
Das schöne Wetter ☔ habe ich dazu genutzt, auf meiner #multiseat-#linux-Box dem #pulseaudio Manieren beizubringen. Das läuft jetzt im systemmode und via Anpassungen an der #hwdb von #systemd haben die Sounddevices jetzt allgemeinverständliche Namen, z.B. "Anja's Kopfhörer" statt "Intel USB PNP device". So kann jetzt jeder User den Ton von jedem Programm an die richtige Ausgabe umleiten 👍
#multiseat #linux #pulseaudio #hwdb #systemd
Really want try out #multiseat....imagine a media center & two users using the same box.... what say?
I'm not a fan of totalized, central control, but I can't help but want it anyways, in one specific form. This current mode of everyone having a PC or laptop for work seems ridiculously inefficient, and I think a mainframe style model would be so interesting. With 32 core AMD chips out now, and supposedly many many more on the way, I can't help but think the time is close to start to reevaluate how businesses, schools, &c do compute. #multiseat