#WordPress #MultiSite: kann man die Sites in der Übersicht sortieren? Normal werden die nach Zeitpunkt des Hinzufügens sortiert, und der ist bei mir eher nichtssagend bis verwirrend.
Ideen, Tipps und insp. Arbeiten, gesammelt für Mediengestalter u. a. Kreative. Entdecken Sie hier jede Woche neue Möglichkeiten für Ihre Projekte! #Anleitung #Fotografie #LogoDesign #Multisite #Typografie #UI #UX #Webdesign #WordPress #BUTLAIXmedia
#butlaixmedia #wordpress #webdesign #ux #ui #typografie #multisite #logodesign #fotografie #anleitung
@paolo well, well.... #WordPress #ActivityPub #plugin assumes that your #blog is not part of a #multisite installation... it keep pointing to the main blog, the engineering one, while I would rather point people to https://monodes.com/predaelli/ which is my more personal side
#wordpress #activitypub #plugin #blog #multisite
What is the right way to build #Wordpress #multisite using #docker-compose? The official documentation way isn't working and I can see references to setting WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE in .env but no evidence of that in the Dockerfile. This is my last try before just installing it by hand in a container...
Is there a way to filter the value of the "front" slug that is used by #WordPress #multisite? I need to impose a custom slug as opposed to using the default "blog" that seems to get forced on me.
Cisco ACI: Multi-Site Stretched Layer 2 (Flooding)
#Cisco #ACI #multisite #ccna #ccnp #ccie #network #networks #networkengineer #networksbaseline #datacenter
#cisco #ACI #multisite #ccna #ccnp #ccie #network #networks #networkengineer #networksbaseline #datacenter
Cisco ACI: Multi-Site Stretched Layer 3
#Cisco #ACI #multisite #ccna #ccnp #ccie #network #networks #networkengineer #networksbaseline #datacenter
#cisco #ACI #multisite #ccna #ccnp #ccie #network #networks #networkengineer #networksbaseline #datacenter
Single researchers or small teams are proving increasingly inadequate to address current scientific challenges.
That is why we at @italianrepro asked Nicholas Coles, director of the Psychological Science Accelerator – recently awarded by the Einstein Foundation - to talk about “Multi-lab and Multi-site Projects; the Psychological Science Accelerator” in the 2nd Online Seminar on Open Science for year 2022/23.
Seminar is completely online, tomorrow Wednesday December 14th at 5pm CET.
Participation is free and open to everyone interested in #openscience and #multilab / #multisite collaboration projects.
#openscience #multilab #multisite
Single researchers or small teams are proving increasingly inadequate to address current scientific challenges.
That is why we at @italianrepro asked Nicholas Coles, director of the Psychological Science Accelerator – recently awarded by the Einstein Foundation - to talk about “Multi-lab and Multi-site Projects; the Psychological Science Accelerator” in the 2nd Online Seminar on Open Science for year 2022/23.
Participation is free and open to everyone interested in #openscience and #multilab / #multisite collaboration projects.
#openscience #multilab #multisite
It is fantastic to see that Hummanities Commons, @hello , have released their own Mastodon server!
For those who might be interested, Humanities Commons is a Wordpress #Multisite and #Buddypress platform, targeted towards academic in the humanities, where members can create websites and participate in groups.
It runs on very similar technology to Poetry Garden! Great to see them in the fediverse :)
@chrisaldrich I’ve been reading about #MicroBlogging, #MicroFormats, and installing multiple #WordPress instances such as for #MultiSite or #database development but it’s a bit overwhelming right now and not sure in which direction to continue or if easily doable.
Then there are considerations between personal blogs versus organizational, and how to go #IndieWeb and so on…
#microblogging #microformats #wordpress #multisite #database #indieweb
Hallo #fediverse hat jemand Erfahrung mit dem #wordpress #plugin #activitypub im Zusammenspiel mit Wordpress #multisite ?
Ich habe zwei Blogs und nur einen Superadministrator mit dem ich auch die Beiträge veröffentliche. Suche ich nun hier auf #mastodon nach (at)nutzername(at)Seite1.de und (at)nutzername(at)seite2 finde ich nur bei Seite1 etwas. Ich habe die Multiseite mit den beiden Unterseiten frisch angelegt, dann das Plugin installiert und dann auf Seite2 einen Beitrag gepostet
#fediverse #wordpress #plugin #activitypub #multisite #mastodon
Wer eine hochfrequentierte Seite oder eine #Multisite in #WordPress betreibt, und mit der Performance nicht mehr zufrieden ist, kann mal #DocketCache testen. Es ist kein File-Cache sondern ein Object-Cache für einfachere Hostings.
#DocketCache #wordpress #multisite
3 x #Multisite und acht Einzelinstallation problemlos auf #WordPress 6.0 und PHP8 aktualisiert. Manchmal machen alte Themes und Plugins Probleme, da bin ich dann eher vorsichtig.
Wer eine #WordPress #Multisite betreibt, sollte sich einmal das Caching-Plugin #Breeze anschauen https://wordpress.org/plugins/breeze/
Welche besonderen PLugins für Multisites nutzt ihr?
And I got the #wordpress #multisite up and running. Getting faster at this every time I do it :) I'm pretty sure @LocalWP having the option to set up a multisite made things a lot easier for me.
Fun activity for today, trying to fix 302 redirect errors so I can access the dashboards for a #wordpress #multisite install I'm trying to get running on @LocalWP. Got permalinks working on the main site in the process so I'm headed in the right direction at least.
.@RAIDBOXES@twitter.com führt dann mal so nebenbei #Multisite ein 🥳👍
#Hoster #wordpress #WPMU #multisite
Neuer Beitrag: WordPress Multisite Blog-ID zurücksetzen https://ckx.li/CBh5
#ckxblog #multisite #wordpressmultisite #wordpress