Loved watching Starship go up. Also enjoyed watching it blow up: apparently I'm still 6 at heart. ;) More seriously, it seems like a lot of newer multistage rocket launches lately have had stage separation problems, which is always fatal (& if it *isn't* fatal, the range safety officer should be scrambling for the self-destruct button). One might think separation would be a solved problem, but I guess that's why it's rocket science. #space #rockets #multistage #separation #astronautics
#astronautics #separation #multistage #rockets #space
Кажется, я нашёл, как оптимизировать билды в #docker ещё сильнее за счёт #buildkit #inline #cache и #multistage билдов.
Надо будет посмотреть, действительно ли сработает, но выглядит многообещающе!
#docker #BuildKit #inline #cache #multistage
> It’s a bit early to suggest that [Jay Bowles] of Plasma Channel has finally found the solution to this fundamental shortcoming of electrostatic propulsion, but his recently completed multi-stage ion thruster certainly represents something of a generational leap for the technology. By combining multiple pairs of electrodes and experimentally determining the optimal values for their spacing and operational voltage, he’s been able to achieve a sustained exhaust velocity of 2.3 meters per second.
Multi-Stage Ion Thruster Holds Exciting Promise