@dawnatella Good to meet you! I'd forgotten that recording was there - interesting discussion about #multistakeholdercoop models. :)
My day-job is as Executive Director of the @veoc where I work a lot around education and some techical assistance related to the sale of both ESOPs and worker co-ops, which both fall under our umbrella of "broad-based employee ownership" but also have some important differences. One company w/ a unique EO approach that looks somewhat like your vision is Chroma...
@GuerillaOntologist @emi @Matt_Noyes @sam @CaitlinWaddick @django @datatitian I was worried that I'd not done the recording right and lost it, but apparently it just needed time to process. It can be viewed here: https://bbb.de.meet.coop/playback/presentation/2.3/8dd7e01d9a9f80c39de28a6cab2f962b540e9f6c-1645041643586
#solidaritycoop #multistakeholdercoop #coops #coop
@mattcropp always learning :)
Makes sense though - flow-through tax structure, and operating agreement concept hugely flexible.
Less workable for #multistakeholdercoop or #consumercoop - no?
#multistakeholdercoop #consumercoop