iPhone 15 Pro behält 128GB Startspeicher und erhöht RAM
Die Gerüchteküche brodelt. TrendForce, die renommierte taiwanesische Forschungsfirma, hat neue Informationen zum bevorstehenden iPhone 15 Pro und iPhone 15 Pro Max veröffentlicht.
Demnach werden beide
#iPhone #News #128GB #A17BionicChip #IPhone15Pro #Multitasking #PeriskopLinse #Preisentwicklung #RAM #Titanrahmen #Trendforce #WiFi6E
#iphone #News #128gb #a17bionicchip #iphone15pro #multitasking #periskoplinse #preisentwicklung #ram #titanrahmen #trendforce #wifi6e
When you land the final kill while playing with your phone. #CODTopPlays #CallofDutyModernWarfareII #MWII #FinalKill #multitasking #XboxShare
#xboxshare #multitasking #finalkill #MWII #CallOfDutyModernWarfareII #codtopplays
Es gibt ein mehrgängiges, meist hochwertiges Menü
während des ca. zweistündigen Essens gibt es vorn auf der Bühne ein Bauerntheater, nein, es entspannt sich ein (launiges) Krimistück
der Mord passiert vor der Suppe
die unerwartete Auflösung kommt nach dem Nachtisch
So ungefähr
Kann man machen
muss man aber nicht
uns hat es gefallen
eventuell KÖNNTE ein Theaterbesuch mit Essen davor oder danach
fokussierter sein‽
I've never been good at. #multitasking which is why I love articles like this !
Multitasking Is Making You Worse at Everything
> Multitasking is a one-way ticket to stress and a constant sense of failure. Try 'monotasking' instead.
I remember when #multitasking was all the rage, and if you weren't on board with that, there was something wrong with you. I've seen the tide slowly turn over the last few years, to the point where a New York Times Op-Ed is saying "stop it". Suits me just fine, thanks.
Luckily my FotMob is keeping me apprised of the #WWC2023 game. 😂 #MultiTasking
Myth Tested: DOS Can’t Multitask - It’s a piece of common knowledge, that MS-DOS wasn’t capable of multitasking. For ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/09/myth-tested-dos-cant-multitask/ #retrocomputing #multitasking #ms-dos #dos
#dos #ms #multitasking #retrocomputing
Multitasking: Stetes Hin- und Herschalten überfordet unser Gehirn
#multitasking #gehirn #neurologie
Doing the thing I love most since I got divorced and living on my own...
#DoWork #laundry #multitasking
When you think you are #multitasking, you are actually switching tasks. And this will slow you down. #Focus on the most valuable, most important task at a given time and finish it before starting the next. Your #productivity will reach new heights.
#multitasking #focus #productivity #advice #developer
ChatGPT Is Reshaping Crowd Work - Although some workers shun chatbot help, platforms are adopting policies or technology to... - https://www.wired.com/story/chatgpt-is-reshaping-crowd-work/ #business/artificialintelligence #multitasking #business
El #multitasking no existe, pero vuestros jefes insisten en que sí.
#mindfullness, please
3 Fascinating Psychological Traits of Women You Should Know! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAS7gtVDU-0
Hey everyone! Welcome to our channel. Today we're discussing 3 psychological traits of women that you should stay aware of: emotional intelligence, multitasking, and intuition. Don't be fooled by these amazing traits - like & subscribe for more interesting content! #womenintech #emotionalintelligence #Multitasking #Intuition #WomenTraits #StayAware #DontBeFooled #LikeAndSubscribe #thepsychicmantra #riyakhudania
#riyakhudania #thepsychicmantra #LikeAndSubscribe #dontbefooled #stayaware #womentraits #intuition #multitasking #emotionalintelligence #womenintech