Great article on the #CESBIO #Multitemp blog by @inglada on the production of a land cover map of Sahel with #iota2 . The methodology is very inspiring. I look forward to learning more about the generation of pseudo-climatic maps from WorldClim data. #EarthObservation #RemoteSensing #GISchat
#cesbio #multitemp #iota2 #earthobservation #remotesensing #gischat
The #Multitemp blog (Séries Temporelles in French) is just 10 years old ! It was started to provide information and news around the SPOT4 (Take5) experiment in preparation to #Sentinel2. And as we had fun writing the posts, we went on, with my co-editor from #CESBIO , Simon Gascoin ( )
More than 850 000 pages have been read so far, on our almost 1000 posts !
@ohagolle Salut Olivier, super content de te voir ici !
Toujours pas eu le temps de finaliser mon article de vulgarisation sur #Iota2 (actuellement en brouillon
Mais je garde un très bon souvenir du #CESBIO et de mes lectures sur le blog #multitemp :)