@puniko wichtiger: Das #BwStumpf hat, anders als die #Klappmesser & #Multitools der #Wein-zentrierten #NATO-Mitglieder nen #Korkenzieher dran...
#Korkenzieher #NATO #Wein #multitools #klappmesser #bwstumpf
Kuhn Rikon Auto Safety Master Can & Bottle Opener http://toolsandtoys.net/kuhn-rikon-auto-safety-master-can-bottle-opener/ #kuhnrikonautosafetymasteropener #kuhnrikonautosafetycanopener #kuhnrikonmasteropener #kitchenmulti-tools #kuhnrikoncanopener #kitchenmulti-tool #kitchenmultitools #madeinswitzerland #kitchenmultitool #masteropener #multi-tools #canopeners #multi-tool #multitools #canopener #kuhnrikon #multitool #swissmade #Kitchen #kitchen #Tools #swiss #tools #Food #food #tool
#kuhnrikonautosafetymasteropener #kuhnrikonautosafetycanopener #kuhnrikonmasteropener #kitchenmulti #kuhnrikoncanopener #kitchenmultitools #madeinswitzerland #kitchenmultitool #masteropener #multi #canopeners #multitools #canopener #kuhnrikon #multitool #swissmade #kitchen #tools #swiss #food #tool
I am now obsessed with #multitools and have acquired a Leatherman Squirt PS4 and a Leatherman Style PS, in addition to a Leatherman Wave I already have from my father a year ago. Now I'm getting a new holder thing... slowly descending into #edc land.
Best multitools for the IT technician