Úgy emlékeztem ,h júliusban kapcsolják le a MultiVersus-t de végül június végén történt meg. Így sajnos nem tudtam pár búcsúmeccset se játszani. Elvileg 2024-ben visszatér a játék, megújulva... remélem így lesz, nem pedig csak úgy eltűnik. #MultiVersus
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Dernière session sur la Bêta
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Difficile de trouver du classé ?
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Dernier mois
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Est-ce qu'il y a du monde ?
Le live redémarre Multiversus : La bagarre à nouveau !
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Tac tac Boom
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Encore deux mois... ==>https://twitch.tv/bad_hel
#TwitchTVGaming #MultiVersus
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Taper ou être taper ? ==>https://twitch.tv/bad_hel
#TwitchTVGaming #MultiVersus
Le live redémarre Multiversus : En restant calme ? ==>https://twitch.tv/bad_hel #TwitchTVGaming #MultiVersus
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Plus téléchargeable
==>https://twitch.tv/bad_hel #TwitchTVGaming #MultiVersus
There goes my $100 founder’s badge and many hours of grinding the season pass for the Maestro Bug Bunny’s skin :(
#MultiVersus even had a whole email engagement program running, sending out personalized emails with updates about your progress, and encouraging you to invite friends to play. I just got this one earlier today.
That's a pretty intensive beta!
#MultiVersus was one of my favorite games last year, although for a variety of reasons I haven't played it much since then, but I think I completely missed that it was an open beta?!?
Not just an open beta that smoothly segues into its full release, but the kind that gets pulled outright and disappears for possibly an entire year?!?
Did they just bite off more than they could chew, and this is the way to avoid a prolonged gap between updates? So weird.
#MultiVersus was one of my favorite games last year, although for a variety of reasons I haven't played it much since then, but I think I completely missed that it was an open beta?!?
Not just an open beta that smoothly segues into its full release, but the kind that gets pulled outright and disappears for possibly an entire year?!?
Did they just bite of more than they could chew, and this is the way to avoid a prolonged gap between updates? So weird.
This game was in beta?
MultiVersus is going offline, relaunch planned for 2024 https://www.polygon.com/23658469/multiversus-offline-update-relaunch-date
#multiversus #wbgames #beta #offline #relaunch #gamingnews
Le live redémarre Multiversus : Meilleur ? ou ?
#TwitchTVGaming #MultiVersus
Le live redémarre Multiversus : C'est la bagarre
#TwitchTVGaming #MultiVersus
Multiversus hat zwar wirklich ein paar nette Ideen, aber mir geht die Entwicklung echt zu langsam, als dass ich mehr als ein paar Runden pro Monat absolvieren mag. Gerade die geringe Mapauswahl und die Tatsache, dass es nach wie vor keinen Couch-Coop gegen Bots gibt, schrecken mich ab. Kein Vergleich zu Super Smash Brothers. #ps5 #multiversus