Mumford Brewing Company #mumford #brewery #craftbeer #brewing #beer #california
#mumford #brewery #craftbeer #brewing #beer #california
> ... [If after] four centuries.. we now overvalue the machine, is it not because the mechanistic doctrine which has made us competent to design machines and control them also promises to give the scientist an equal hold over the living organisms he unfeelingly identifies with machines? In a world of machines, or of creatures that can be reduced to machines, #technocrats would.. be gods. --- #LewisMumford, #MythOfTheMachine: #PentagonOfPower. p 72
1970 #Mumford on #Tech #RichGuy #AIHype
#aihype #richguy #tech #mumford #PentagonOfPower #MythOfTheMachine #LewisMumford #technocrats
Tom is now listening to The Cave
#city #transit #walk
"If we want to make the most of our national highway program, we must keep most of the proposed expressways in abeyance until we have done two other things. We must replan the inner city for #pedestrian circulation, and we must rebuild and extend our #public forms of #mass #transportation."-- Lewis #Mumford, "The Highway and the City," Architectural Record, April 1958.
#city #transit #walk #pedestrian #public #mass #transportation #mumford
Winona LaDuke's tone, chiding a little boy, in her open letter to Shopping-Car-Space-Guy (SNS-buyer) seems appropriate. An illustration and it's description, an astronaut as capsule-mane, came to mind from Lewis Mumford's #MythOfTheMachine #PentagonOfPower(1971)
#Mumford #LewisMumford #MythOfTheMachine #PentagonOfPower #SpaceGuy #Astrounauts #ElonMusk
#elonmusk #Astrounauts #SpaceGuy #LewisMumford #mumford #PentagonOfPower #MythOfTheMachine
_Towards Liberal Education_, (TLA) a collection of writings, was in the library. It's calming to read it, usually, like Mathew Arnold on the influence of reading "the ancients." #TLA started in 1948. I write in books as I read so I ordered books on-line. I have 3 editions, all different that the library's 3rd ed. But that book ends with _The #BasisOfRenewal_ and got me into #LewisMumford, #TheConditionOfMan and this #TransformationsOfMan pp178-180, (#TransMan?) #Mumford #人間過去現在未来 p.206~ #人類変身歴
#人類変身歴 #人間過去現在未来 #mumford #transman #TransformationsofMan #TheConditionOfMan #LewisMumford #BasisOfRenewal_ #tla
_Towards Liberal Education_, (TLA) a collection of writings, was in the library. It's calming to read it, usually, like Mathew Arnold on the influence of reading "the ancients." #TLA started in 1948. I write in books as I read so I ordered books on-line. I have 3 editions, all different that the library's 3rd ed. But that book ends with _The #BasisOfRenewal_ and got me into #LewisMumford, #TheConditionOfMan and this #TransformationsOfMan, (#TransMan?) #Mumford #人間過去現在未来 #人類変身歴
#人類変身歴 #人間過去現在未来 #mumford #transman #TransformationsofMan #TheConditionOfMan #LewisMumford #BasisOfRenewal_ #tla
Tom is now listening to I Will Wait
InFarm pulling out of Atlantic Canada, Sobeys considering taking the product in-house. #mumford #sobeys #halifax #novascotia #canada
#mumford #Sobeys #Halifax #novascotia #canada
"Adding car lanes to deal with #traffic #congestion is like loosening your belt to cure obesity."
Lewis #Mumford
#Bellingen Sisyphus re-builing #roads #erosion #fossilfuel #mobility #roadkill #speed #bikepaths #footpaths
#traffic #congestion #mumford #bellingen #roads #erosion #fossilfuel #mobility #roadkill #speed #bikepaths #footpaths
Tonight's shuffle so far has included
... and looking at what's next I guess I'll end the evening with #TheCure
#pearljam #rem #frankturner #beck #frightenedrabbit #mumford #soundgarden #yeahyeahyeahs #midnightoil #brokensocialscene #theblackkeys #nirvana #aliceinchains #thegrapesofwrath #leonardcohen #thesmashingpumpkins #theproclaimers #silversunpickups #teganandsara #bush #thecure #nowplaying
「The Transformations of Man」の #岩波新書 訳は「人間の変成」ではなくて、「人間ー過去・現在・未来」になってみたい。 日本語の「人間」は英語の"man"より #包括的 でいい。 この本を #一般教養 の中心を作るのに役立つかもしれません.. #TowardsLiberalEducation #EP3 #Mumford #マンフォード #LewisMumford #ルイスマンフォード #人類 #人間
#人間 #人類 #ルイスマンフォード #LewisMumford #マンフォード #mumford #ep3 #TowardsLiberalEducation #一般教養 #包括的 #岩波新書
L’homme aliéné à sa #technique : possibilité d’une #alternative ?
Toute #critique radicale de la technique n’est pas nécessairement antimoderne. Humaniste et démocratique, celle que formule Lewis #Mumford pourrait redevenir très actuelle.
#technique #alternative #critique #mumford
#usbeketrica #Technologie "Pourquoi il faut (re)lire « Le Mythe de la machine »" #Histoire #Langage #transmission #MytheDeLaMachine #LewisMumford #Mumford ...
#usbeketrica #technologie #histoire #langage #transmission #MytheDeLaMachine #LewisMumford #mumford
N. #Casaux : Lewis #Mumford et la critique de la #civilisation (industrielle)
📌 « Aujourd’hui [..], le nombre croissant de protestations massives, de grèves sur le tas et d’émeutes, d’actes physiques, plutôt que des mots, peut s’interpréter comme une tentative pour battre en brèche l’isolation automatique de la mégamachine, avec sa tendance à recouvrir par la falsification ses propres erreurs, à refuser les messages indésirables, [...]
#casaux #mumford #civilisation