Halloween is coming up. But his costume is far from perfect. Can you help?
#bondage #mummy #mummification #halloween
#bondage #mummy #mummification #halloween
Oh no, someone left a hole in the package. #butt #mummy #mummification #shota #bondage
#butt #mummy #mummification #shota #bondage
In preparing for the release of SUMMER'S END IV this October 1, I reckon I should re-post some favorite moments from the preceding albums. This is "Rise, Het-Sem-Peckinpah" from the first Summer's End, released in October 2020.
This is one of my very first videos, actually, and I'm surprised at how well it holds up. The footage in this video is taken from the following public domain sources:
Connell, W.M. (Director). (c. 1946.) Rouhea Bey: Arab dance [Motion picture]. In Connell, W.M. (Director), Variety girls [Motion picture]. United States: Quality Pictures, Co. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/0733_Soun...
Hunter, T.H. (Director), & Balcon, M. (Producer). (1933.) The ghoul. London, England, United Kingdom: Gaumont British Film Corporation. Retrieved from: https://archive.org/details/TheGhoul
NOTE: Rouhea Bey deserves special mention. Her only other appearance was in Irving Pichel's Temptation (1946), where she plays an uncredited "Oriental Dancer." She was amazingly talented however, and I am very glad to have been able to include her in this project.
#halloween #samhain #pagan #october #autumn #art #music #electronic #ambient #trance #metal #goth #industrial #instrumental #soundtracks #horror #scifi #fantasy #bellydance #boriskarloff #mummy #darkwave
#halloween #samhain #Pagan #october #autumn #art #music #electronic #ambient #trance #metal #goth #industrial #instrumental #soundtracks #horror #SciFi #fantasy #bellydance #boriskarloff #mummy #darkwave
Oops, can't leave him uncovered.
#shota #bondage #mummy #mummification #ducttape
#shota #bondage #mummy #mummification #ducttape
He was so cute, I felt like packing him up.
#shota #mummy #mummification #ductape
#shota #mummy #mummification #ductape
New DNA analysis of Ötzi the Iceman, the oldest human mummy ever discovered in Europe, reveals fascinating new details on how he actually looked.
Decades after the discovery of Ötzi the Iceman, the famous glacier mummy who was discovered in the Italian Alps by hikers in 1991, scientists have dug back into his DNA to paint a more accurate picture of the ancient hunter.
Warning: the video contains graphic images.
#dna #mummy #otzi #Italy #Europe
Did you know that there were artificially mummified bodies ~2k yrs before the #Ancient #Egypt?
In Northern #Chile, the Chinchorro people started mummifying their weakest: Children, babies, & the elderly.
Occuring after 5000 BCE, corpses were stripped of flesh & filled with fibre & clay.
These are the oldest examples of deliberate mummification.
That they mummified irrespective of social status is wholly unique.
#mummy #ancienthistory #history #seafood #diet #chile #egypt #ancient
Morrighan has taken to hunting for big game. Webbing up proud beast then having her fun with them #spiderweb #mummy #bondage #mummification
#spiderweb #mummy #bondage #mummification
With Sesh', let's explore both of my biggest kinks~
First, mummies and mummification! Bandage tightly wrapped on your naked body, either fully, arms crossed, or partially, made to move with, additional layering, just for a little fun or the complete mummification of the body for burial~
I LOVE mummies~ Alive, undead or plan dead.
I hope to show the full extent of my adoration for it~!
And here Sesh' is a cute Siamese~
#furry #mummy #mummification #cub #shota #human #cat
Tonight’s #MovieWithSmol is in keeping with the #mummy theme, this time, The Mummy (2017) with Tom Cruise.
I knew about this and referenced it not too long ago in conversation but I didn't know the whole history. Humans are weird.
The gory history of Europe's mummy-eating fad - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/mummy-eating-medical-cannibalism-gory-history
#mummy #medicalcannibalism #medicine #history
Anders als Jimmy Sangster, der Autor von "DIE RACHE DER PHARAONEN" vielleicht glaubte, ist KARNAK keine Gottheit. Der "Karnak-Tempel" bezieht sich lediglich auf die Ortschaft Karnak, deren Name frei übersetzt so viel wie "befestigtes Dorf" bedeutet. Tja.
#Hammertime #mummy
Cushing schlug vor, dass die Mumie im Laufe des Films den Torso durchbohrt bekommt, da sie, im bereits vor der Produktion erstellten Poster, ein recht prominentes Loch aufweist. Dadurch entstand eine der denkwürdigsten Szenen des Films.
#mummy #dierachederpharaonen #HAMMERtime
#mummy #dierachederpharaonen #hammertime
#Archaeologists in Peru find #adolescent #mummy wrapped in bundle
#archaeologists #adolescent #mummy
Well, this is freaking weird. https://www.iflscience.com/scientists-opened-up-a-jar-in-a-cemetery-and-found-a-mummified-green-hand-clutching-a-copper-coin-67001
"Scientists Opened Up A Jar In A Cemetery And Found A Mummified Green Hand Clutching A Copper Coin"
"The burial took place at least 150 years after the cemetery had been abandoned."
#weird #mummy #baby #Hungary
Macht euch bereit, morgen kommt unsere Episode zu DIE RACHE DER PHARAONEN, gemeinsam mit den fantastischen @mummiesandmagic !
#hammertime #dierachederpharaonen #mummy