Warming up the Hog Story stream to ENBIGGEN your MOOD because...
We are LIVE! TONIGHT! 7 PM CT/ 8 PM ET join @fletcher and me in the smoker for Episode 334 of Hog Story. We want to know, what is the most old-fashioned thing about you? Let us know by calling 430-201-4841and leaving a voicemail.
#Mundee #Podcasting20 #IntheSmoker #V4V #LIT
Stream: http://stream.hogstory.net:8000/stream
Chat: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.zeronode.net/#hogstory
Get a podcasting 2.0 app by going to https://www.nudepodcastapps.com
#mundee #podcasting20 #inthesmoker #v4v #lit
LIVE! TONIGHT! 7 PM CT/ 8 PM ET join @fletcher and me in the smoker for Episode 334 of Hog Story. We want to know, what is the most old-fashioned thing about you? Let us know by calling 430-201-4841and leaving a voicemail.
#Mundee #Podcasting2.0 #IntheSmoker #V4V #LIT
Stream: http://stream.hogstory.net:8000/stream
Chat: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.zeronode.net/#hogstory
Remember to send us a boostagram live during Hog Story and we will read it on the show. Get a podcasting 2.0 app by going to https://www.nudepodcastapps.com
#mundee #podcasting2 #inthesmoker #v4v #lit
@CarBlanez33 and I will be joined by @adam on episode 333 of Hog Story on tonight at 8PM E / 7PM C on both the No Agenda stream and the Hog Story stream!
Send your questions or topics for discussion via voicemail at 430-201-4841
You can also send us a boost-a-gram!
The Streams: http://stream.hogstory.net:8000/stream
The Chats: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.zeronode.net/#hogstory
#mundee #hogstory #inthesmoker #LIT #v4v
#mundee #hogstory #inthesmoker #lit #v4v
Join @CarBlanez33 and I for another live episode of Hog Story tonight at 8PM E / 7PM C
We have a question: What is a personal grooming habit that you spend too much time on ?
Let us know with a voicemail at 430-201-4841
The Streams: http://stream.hogstory.net:8000/stream
The Chats: https://kiwiirc.com/nextclient/irc.zeronode.net/#hogstory
#hogstory #mundee #inthesmoker