Donald Roy · @djr
68 followers · 1367 posts · Server

It is to be hoped that when it completes its overall process of policy formation this summer will feel able to include where appropriate rather than just setting - rather dubious looking - targets for .

Hope springs eternal!

#uk #housingmarket #municipalisation #uklabour #owneroccupation

Last updated 2 years ago

Donald Roy · @djr
68 followers · 1365 posts · Server

The prime mover behind this policy was the relevant , Anthony Crosland, who is not thought of as a particularly left wing figure.

It would thus be difficult to characterise such an approach as "ultra-leftist" - though no doubt some will try to do just that. Rather it should seen as lying well within the tradition of mainstream

#uk #housingmarket #municipalisation #secretaryofstate #socialdemocracy

Last updated 2 years ago

Donald Roy · @djr
68 followers · 1363 posts · Server

The report suggested that as many as 450,000 properties might be affected.

Clearly not all of the covering the areas affected will have the means or the political will to respond to this by of individual properties.

However such an approach does have an illustrious precedent. Nearly fifty years ago the newly-elected responded to the effects of a on the by encouraging .

#uk #housingmarket #localcouncils #municipalisation #labourgovernment #bankingcrisis

Last updated 2 years ago