@cjonthehudson I’m sure you’re aware that #albanyny received its #charter as a #municipality on this date in 1686. As far as #beavers are concerned, they’ve creeped me out a little ever since I learned about #castoreum.
#albanyny #charter #municipality #beavers #castoreum
Allerta maltempo a #Bologna: “Evitate di andare sui colli in auto, in bici e a piedi”
La raccomandazione del Comune in vista dei temporali di oggi pomeriggio in un territorio già messo a dura prova da frane e smottamenti
Bad weather alert in #Bologna: 'Avoid going to the hills by car, bike and on foot'
The #Municipality's recommendation in view of this afternoon's thunderstorms in an area already severely tested by landslides and mudslides
24-5-2023 14:50 #Tutte le notizie di oggi - Carlino https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/feedservice/compilations/1/ https://www.ilrestodelcarlino.it/bologna/cronaca/allerta-maltempo-colli-aq5fb1pc
I titolari di 39 locali di #piazzaMuzii e #Pescara vecchia contro #Ascom e #Casartigiani che approvano il piano acustico del #Comune
Gli esercenti della zona centrale di #Pescara riguardo al piano acustico si dissociano dalla posizione assunta da #Ascom e #Casartigiani
The owners of 39 premises in #PiazzaMuzii and #Pescara vecchia against #Ascom and #Casartigiani who approve the #Municipality's noise plan
The shopkeepers of the central area of #Pescara regarding the acoustic plan dissociate themselves from the position taken by #Ascom and #Casartigiani
30-4-2023 17:18 #IlPescara https://www.ilpescara.it/ https://www.ilpescara.it/economia/titolari-locali-piazza-muzii-contro-ascom-casartigiani-piano-acustico.html
#piazzamuzii #pescara #ascom #casartigiani #comune #municipality #ilpescara
Airbus to build second final assembly line in China's Tianjin.
#Airbus, the European aircraft manufacturer, and its Chinese partners have signed an agreement to expand its A320 family final assembly capacity with a second line at its site in north #China's #Tianjin #Municipality.
#airbus #china #tianjin #municipality
Over 30 bln USD of investment signed in SW China's Chongqing.
In the first quarter of this year, southwest #China's #Chongqing #Municipality has inked 70 major projects with a total contract investment value of over 208 billion yuan (about 30 billion U.S. dollars), said local authorities.
#china #chongqing #municipality
Warehouse Sprawl Webinar: How to Engage with Planning and Zoning Boards · New Jersey League of Conservation Voters
>This is the second webinar in #NewJersey LCV’s warehouse series, and it will be focused on the impact of planning boards and #zoning boards in your #NJ #municipality.
#newjersey #zoning #nj #municipality #usa #LandUse #warehouse #warehousing #nyc
Warehouse Sprawl Webinar: How to Engage with Planning and Zoning Boards · New Jersey League of Conservation Voters
>This is the second webinar in #NewJersey LCV’s warehouse series, and it will be focused on the impact of planning boards and #zoning boards in your #NJ #municipality.
#newjersey #zoning #nj #municipality #usa #LandUse #warehouse #warehousing
I try and make learning about climate solutions an ongoing personal goal, and I try and check in periodically about what I would like to learn about next. There is a lot of potential to influence change at the local level, and it’s something I would like to learn more about. This is one resource that I am working my way through about municipal level climate solutions in Canada: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UC8VS0MNdXSKHcot3_93V2nA
#local #municipality #climatesolutions #solutions #Climate
*Our #municipality *
The #MayorOfSaanich wants the municipality to be more #affordable — so he & council are looking at ways to get more #housing built, both market and non-market
#Saanich is the most #populous municipality in the #CapitalRegionalDistrict on south #VancouverIsland . According to the 2021 census, 117,735 people live in Saanich, compared to 91,867 in neighbouring Victoria.
#Wsanec #VancouverIsland #vanisle #HousingCrisis #WeNeedMoreHousing
#municipality #mayorofsaanich #affordable #housing #saanich #populous #capitalregionaldistrict #vancouverisland #wsanec #vanisle #housingcrisis #weneedmorehousing
Nature-green economy.
Green quality of life in a high-tech future.
#GreenEconomy #EcologicalEconomy #GreenChange #Municipality #UrbanPlanning #Environmentalism #NatureConservation #ForestProtection #FoodSecurity #Farmers #Indigenous
#greeneconomy #ecologicaleconomy #greenchange #municipality #urbanplanning #environmentalism #NatureConservation #ForestProtection #foodsecurity #farmers #indigenous
Nature-green seconomy.
Green quality of life in a high-tech future.
#GreenEconomy #EcologicalEconomy #GreenChange #Municipality #UrbanPlanning #Environmentalism #NatureConservation #ForestProtection #FoodSecurity #Farmers #Indigenous
#greeneconomy #ecologicaleconomy #greenchange #municipality #urbanplanning #environmentalism #NatureConservation #ForestProtection #foodsecurity #farmers #indigenous
Green quality of life in a high-tech future. Nature-green security economy.
#GreenEconomy #EcologicalEconomy #GreenChange #Municipality #UrbanPlanning #Environmentalism #NatureConservation #ForestProtection #FoodSecurity #Farmers #Indigenous
#greeneconomy #ecologicaleconomy #greenchange #municipality #urbanplanning #environmentalism #NatureConservation #ForestProtection #foodsecurity #farmers #indigenous
Cautiously positive takeaway from the #TottenhamSpurs sage over the last few days:
It seems that some politicians start to understand that just being dismissive regarding criticism is no longer enough, so the age of there not being any accountability at all in politics in #SouthAfrica could slowly come to an end.
It still might take some time though until #PoliticalParty|s in #coalition|s also on the #municipality level wake up to the fact that there *will* be accountability sooner or later.
#tottenhamspurs #southafrica #politicalparty #coalition #municipality
Event by @fsfe: #Municipalities Need #Free Software - #Dortmund is a Reference #Municipality
Request: Could this event please be recorded? I cannot attend unfortunately.
#municipalities #free #dortmund #municipality #foss
‘நகராட்சி, மாநகராட்சி அதிகாரிகளுக்கு கூடுதல் நிதி ஒதுக்க அதிகாரம்’! தமிழ்நாடு அரசு
https://patrikai.com/authority-to-allocate-additional-funds-to-municipal-and-corporation-officials-tamil-nadu-govt/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Municipality #Corporation #Officials #expenses #approval #Limit #FundAllocation @TNDIPRNEWS@twitter.com
#FundAllocation #limit #approval #expenses #officials #corporation #municipality
RT @EnporProject: Do you work on #energypoverty issues at a #municipality or region?
@eumayors presents its pillar & describe the support available for diagnosing, planning and implementing monitoring actions to tackle energy poverty this Wednesday!
📝 Register here:
ரூ.400 கோடியில் பாதாள சாக்கடை திட்டம், மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளுக்காக பிரத்யேக பாதை! சட்டசபையில் அமைச்சர் கே.என்.நேரு தகவல்.. https://patrikai.com/rs-400-crore-underground-sewerage-project-special-road-for-the-disabled-minister-kn-nehru-informs-in-the-assembly/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#TamilNadu #Municipality #Corporation #Sewerage #NABARD #beaches @KN_NEHRU@twitter.com
#beaches #nabard #Sewerage #corporation #municipality #tamilnadu
17 பேரூராட்சிகள் நகராட்சிகளாக தரம் உயர்வு! சட்டமன்ற பேரவையில் அமைச்சர் நேரு அறிவிப்பு https://patrikai.com/17-town-panchayats-upgrade-to-municipality-in-tamilnadu-minister-nehrus-announcement-in-the-legislative-assembly/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#TNAssembly #TNAssemblyUpdate #Municipality @KN_NEHRU@twitter.com @CMOTamilnadu@twitter.com @arivalayam@twitter.com
#municipality #TNAssemblyUpdate #TNAssembly
“The next step is to replicate this #Proof of Concept with other companies in the #municipality, both product owners who dispose of #devices for #reuse and with #refurbishing #companies that collect, #refurbish and #distribute the devices to final users,” says David Franquesa in our #DLT4EU #interview series at #proofingfuture.
We speak about the #teamwork and #collaborative project of David Franquesa, Natalia Moreno & Carles Peidró García in the #DLT4EU accelerator.
#collaborative #teamwork #ProofingFuture #interview #DLT4EU #distribute #refurbish #companies #refurbishing #reuse #devices #municipality #proof