From 02 Mar: Scientists have mapped a secret hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza - Enlarge / Map of the known corridors and rooms inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. Evidence ... #ancient-egypt #archaeology #cosmic-rays #gaming-&-culture #great-pyramid-of-giza #mighty-muons #muography #muon-radiography #physics #science
#science #physics #muon #muography #mighty #great #gaming #cosmic #archaeology #ancient
🤩 Superb result, following the previous detection of a void using the #muography technique. A great encouragement for our @CP3_UCLouvain colleagues A. Giammanco and E. Cortina who are exploring this technique for cultural heritage applications and more!
RT @disclosetv
NEW - A hidden corridor has been discovered close to the main entrance of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
Scientists have mapped a secret hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza - Enlarge / Map of the known corridors and rooms inside the Great Pyramid... - #greatpyramidofgiza #muonradiography #gaming&culture #ancientegypt #archaeology #mightymuons #cosmicrays #muography #science #physics
#physics #science #muography #cosmicrays #mightymuons #archaeology #ancientegypt #gaming #muonradiography #greatpyramidofgiza
Ars Technica: Scientists have mapped a secret hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #GreatPyramidofGiza #muonradiography #Gaming&Culture #ancientegypt #Archaeology #mightymuons #cosmicrays #muography #Science #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #greatpyramidofgiza #muonradiography #Gaming #ancientegypt #archaeology #mightymuons #cosmicrays #muography #science #physics