IceCube-Gen2: 8 Cubic Kilometers of Ice, 5 Times the Sensitivity #icecubeneutrinoobservatory #icecube-gen2 #antarctica #astronomy #neutrinos #muons
#icecubeneutrinoobservatory #icecube #antarctica #astronomy #neutrinos #muons
Scientists at Fermilab are nearing the discovery of a fifth force of nature, a new type of interaction that could explain some of the mysteries of the universe. The fifth force could be related to the behaviour of muons, tiny particles similar to electrons. Muons wobble in a magnetic field in a way that does not match the predictions of the standard particle physics model, suggesting that something else is influencing them.
#mastodon is clickbait
example MMCLX
last week, or maybe the week before, lots of hysterical (not hyperbole) posts about #NewPhysics #5thForce of nature etc etc
well, no
#STEM #Science #Physics #Muons #ParticlePhysics #academia #AcademicChatter
asfaik, you are supposed to use CamelCase to help those who use screen readers
so, "#academicchatter" is wrong; "#AcademicChatter" is preferred
#academicchatter #academia #particlephysics #muons #physics #science #stem #5thforce #newphysics #Mastodon
Scientists at Fermilab close in on fifth force of nature
Scientists near Chicago say they may be getting closer to discovering the existence of a new force of nature.
They have found more evidence that sub-atomic particles, called muons, are not behaving in the way predicted by the current theory of sub-atomic physics.
Scientists believe that an unknown force could be acting on the muons.
#science #physics #muons
Scientists working at Fermilab have moved forward in understanding the strangeness of muons in a way that might contradict the Standard Model. I don't understand more than a tenth of this stuff, but it does seem very exciting!
#GoodNews #Physics #Research #Muons #Science
#goodnews #physics #research #muons #science
According to the authors of the paper published in iScience [4]: "With further improvements in stability of local clocks used for timing, it is anticipated that MuWNS can be adapted to improve autonomous mobile robot navigation and positioning as well as other underground and underwater practical applications."
In what other ways do you think this technology can be used? Deep-sea mission navigation perhaps?
#gps #gischat #navigation #Positioning #muons #cosmic #gnss
Muons have been used previously to image archeological structures, search for hidden Mayan ruins, and detect hidden corridors and chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza [3].
Recently, the first navigation with wireless muometric navigation system (MuWNS) in indoor and underground environments was successfully tested [4] showing accuracy exceeding the GPS single-point positioning.
#gps #gischat #navigation #Positioning #muons #cosmic #gnss
You know GPS but have you heard of muPS (Muometric Positioning System)?
The muometric positioning or navigation system (muPS/μPS/muNS) is a novel positioning/navigation system that utilizes the ubiquitous and highly-penetratve cosmic-ray muons [1][2].
This technique does not require active signal generation [1][2] and is usable in environments where GPS/GNSS signals cannot reach such as underwater and underground.
#gps #gischat #navigation #Positioning #muons #cosmic #gnss
First test of a wireless cosmic ray navigation system...
"Cosmic-ray #muons fall equally across the Earth and always travel at the same speed regardless of what matter they traverse, penetrating even kilometers of rock,” said co-author Hiroyuki Tanaka of Muographix at the University of Tokyo in Japan. “Now, by using muons, we have developed a new kind of GPS, which we have called the muometric positioning system (muPS), which works underground, indoors and underwater.”
Referenced link:
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
RT by @physorg_com: Underground navigation maybe possible with cosmic-ray #muons, research shows @cellpressnews
3D Image of #NuclearReactor From #Muons, #Germany Brings Back #DirectCurrent & more
#science #news #nuclear #power
#nuclearreactor #muons #germany #directcurrent #science #news #nuclear #power
apparently you can build a muon detector for <$100, and will probably see a muon (from cosmic rays colliding with the upper atmosphere) every couple seconds at sea level
Today I went to TRIUMF to visit our local particle accelerator and now I’m binge watching videos on #muons. SO FREAKIN COOL!
For nearly 650 years, the fortress walls in the Chinese city of Xi’an have served as a formidable barrier around the central city. At 12 meters high and up to 18 meters thick, they are impervious to almost everything — except subatomic particles called
Learn more:
#muons #Science #physics #particlephysics #mingdynasty
Wow! Makes a great film title by the way; The Fifth Force.
*Muons: 'Strong' evidence found for a new force of nature*
"... The muon is one of these fundamental particles; it's similar to the electron, but more than 200 times heavier.
The Muon g-2 experiment involves sending the particles around a 14-metre ring and then applying a magnetic field. Under the current laws of physics, encoded in the Standard Model, this should make the muons wobble at a certain rate.
Instead, the scientists found that muons wobbled at a faster rate than expected. This might be caused by a force of nature that's completely new to science.
Fermilabimage copyrightFermilab
image captionBased on a 2,700-hectare site near Chicago, Fermilab is America's premier particle physics lab
No one yet knows what this potential new force does, other than influence muon particles. ..."
Nice idea. If muon particles can probe the interior of pyramids, it can also probe the interior of sealed casts of nuclear containers to make sure they still contain what they are suppose to and haven't been tampered with.
#Physics #NuclearWaste #Monitoring #Particles #Muons
#physics #nuclearwaste #monitoring #particles #muons