one for @jwz :
now murderbots are killing each other:
«The company said another driverless car, which had no passengers, entered the intersection on a green light when another car ran a red light at high speed. The driverless car detected the other car and braked, according to Cruise, but the two cars still collided»
I wonder what company owned that other MB...
#robotaxis #cruise #murderbots
I mean, seriously, are we living in that AI #Dystopia already? #murderbots
I chose to buy this bundle instead of giving into the Audible 2.99 sale.
DRM free Audiobooks ftw! \o/
Oh, and like Murderbots!
#humblebundle #murderbots #marthawells #audiobooks
On #murderbots:
San Francisco allows police to use robots to remotely kill suspects | Ars Technica
Essentially finished. Now I need to edit the video so I can get it out tomorrow. #warhammerimperium #warhammer40k #warhammercommunity #warmongers #tombblades ##necrons #murderbots #sistersofbattle #spacemarines #admech #hachette #collection #wargaming #paintingwarhammer
#warhammerimperium #warhammer40k #WarhammerCommunity #warmongers #tombblades #Necrons #murderbots #sistersofbattle #spacemarines #adMech #hachette #COLLECTION #wargaming #paintingwarhammer
How is this even a conversation that needed to be had?? This is not the future I was promised in the 80s. #murderbots
Here it is, the next warning sign on the slippery slope we've been on for years.
#robots #drones #lawenforcement #cops #murderbots
Someone on @bookstodon just mentioned a series of books which my Autistic partner and I both very much enjoyed,
Wondering if there were others who might have recommendations along the lines of #MarthaWells #Murderbots
#marthawells #murderbots #actuallyautistic