This is how Asian #HoneyBees kill #MurderHornets. Stings are useless since the #hornet's exoskeleton is too tough. Unfortunately, the European honey bee (the only type the US has) doesn't have this defensive behavior. #Bees
It's going to be a massacre if the murder hornets spread throughout the United States 😱
Bees Kill A Giant Hornet With Heat | Buddha, Bees and The Giant Hornet Queen | BBC Earth
#bees #hornet #murderhornets #honeybees
Today I learned that murder hornets back away from mosquito coil smoke.
Spread the word.
Today I learned that murder hornets back away from mosquito coil smoke.
Spread the word.
Today I learned that murder hornets back away from mosquito coil smoke.
Spread the word.
Fantastic news! Trapping and monitoring for #MurderHornets works. None found in 2022
Global News BC: No ‘murder hornets’ found in Washington state for 1st year since 2019 #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #northerngianthornet #asiangianthornet #InvasiveSpecies #WashingtonState #Invasiveinsect #murderhornets #murderhornet #Environment #washtington #HoneyBees #insects #Bees #WSDA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northerngianthornet #asiangianthornet #invasivespecies #WashingtonState #Invasiveinsect #murderhornets #murderhornet #environment #washtington #honeybees #insects #bees #WSDA