Me, as I make coffee using a random K-cup pod I've never seen before that I found in my kitchen (not where I keep my coffee setup): Huh, that would be a great way to murder someone who's the only coffee drinker in their household ... like me.
#coffee #murderplots #writerslife
#WeaponsCache #MurderPlots #BorderBlockers #KonKonvoyKlan
#PutinConvoyCons #ConBeGone
Pierre Poilievre The Honking Leader , The Dominator, The Warped Jesus Crusader, The Anti-Canada Pox , The King of the #TrumplerConPutins is not happy today ,as the Trumpy Victim he does play,as he thought he would Coup the Day ,and stay, stay,stay .
#cdnpoli #EmergenciesAct #siege #threat #weaponscache #murderplots #borderblockers #konkonvoyklan #poxtrain #putinconvoycons #conbegone #incel #mgtow #trumplerconputins