#Nigerian #American #news #Femicide #USNEWS #Africa #GBV #Murder #DomesticViolence #MurderSuicide #Crime #RespectWomen #Immigration #Marriage #Sad 💔 911 recording released and inside article is many women support men, but don’t turn around and murder them, and beat on them, and scream at them for all the financial support #Women give men, and then our abandon women usually don’t turn around and murder MEN 💥 https://link.medium.com/4rtnFee49Ab
#nigerian #american #news #femicide #usnews #Africa #GBV #murder #DomesticViolence #murdersuicide #crime #respectwomen #immigration #marriage #sad #women
#Nigerian #American #news #Femicide #USNEWS #Africa #GBV #Murder #DomesticViolence #MurderSuicide #Crime #RespectWomen #Immigration #Marriage #Sad 💔 911 recording released and inside article is many women support men, but don’t turn around and murder them, and beat on them, and scream at them for all the financial support #Women give men, and then our abandon women usually don’t turn around and murder MEN 💥 https://link.medium.com/4rtnFee49Ab
#nigerian #american #news #femicide #usnews #Africa #GBV #murder #DomesticViolence #murdersuicide #crime #respectwomen #immigration #marriage #sad #women
Sehenden Auges in den Abgrund #DarwinAwards #murdersuicide
RT @NordhausenFrank
Abschlussdokument des Weltklimarates: Wer für E-Fuels und Gasheizungen ist, sollte diesen Bericht lesen. "Das Szenario ohne Klimaschutz ist keine Option mehr, da wir das als Gesellschaft nicht überleben würden. " https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/klimaschutz-wer-fuer-kernenergie-e-fuels-und-gasheizungen-ist-sollte-diesen-bericht-lesen-a-d3ca3…
Florida Woman Fatally Shoots Dying Husband in an Apparent Murder/Suicide Pact that Did Not Workout as Intended
Daytona Beach Police Chief Jakari E. Young said at a 4 p.m. news conference that an elderly couple, Ellen Gilland, and her husband, Jerry Gilland, who was 77 a
#News #criminaljustice #Florida #hospital #murdersuicide #terminalillness
#news #criminaljustice #florida #hospital #murdersuicide #terminalillness