Literatopia · @Literatopia
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Neue Rezension von Markus zu - Das Spiel des Todes:

"Murderworld" ist eine sehr humorvolle Variante von Filmen und Serien wie , und . Viel Tiefgang gibt es nicht, aber dafür ist "Murderworld" mal ein erfrischend anderer Marvelcomic, der sehr unterhaltsam ist.

#murderworld #runningman #DasMillionenspiel #SquidGame

Last updated 1 year ago

Orion Petitclerc · @Opie_Dokie
16 followers · 194 posts · Server

: #1 - I had a feeling this wasn't gonna have the real Moon Knight. I should've saved my money.

#6 - Okay, I'm warmed up to this title. It even made me reread which, btw, makes so much more sense now.

#33 - Heard Moon Knight was involved and wow. Talk about a punch out of the dark! Don't sleep on this if you like 's series.

#newcomicbookday #pulllist #Reviews #murderworld #Moonknight #deadlucky #massiveverse #supermassive #avengersunlimited #jedmckay #Marvel #imagecomics #comics #comicbooks

Last updated 1 year ago

They need to dye Jesse Eisenberg's hair red and get him to be Arcade for the MCU.

: Wolverine

#murderworld #horizonlabs

Last updated 2 years ago