@dem_cath Also true in the US, true in Australia, all promoted by the same foul #TraitorMurdoch and Hus #MurdochCancer businesses
#AusPol #UK #USInsurrection
#traitormurdoch #murdochcancer #auspol #uk #usinsurrection
Clearly the #TraitorMurdoch #MurdochCancer didn't get the memo
Disgusting but useful, helping drive the #ToxicOzMedia and super #ToxicLiberals into oblivion. Totally #Irrelevant shite.
#traitormurdoch #murdochcancer #toxicozmedia #toxicliberals #irrelevant #auspol #springst
This is getting messier and messier. No surprise it was the #MurdochCancer involved
#AusPol #BrittanyHiggins
#murdochcancer #auspol #BrittanyHiggins
@michmyers #TraitirMurdoch hasn't run news for many years, just a propaganda machine, and the #MurdochCancer aided the #USInsurrection
Tried to do similar here by endorsing #Scroto's power grab.
#traitirmurdoch #murdochcancer #usinsurrection #scroto #auspol
@vanbadham #CnutCostello #FairfaxCancer is racing to the bottom, trying to go even lower than the putrid #MurdochCancer
Tiresome and unhelpful.
#cnutcostello #fairfaxcancer #murdochcancer #auspol