@judisohn I am a #knitting wizard. Been trying to finish my epic queen sized #geek blanket for 2 years now (keep having injured hands and having to stop).
#marvel #rainbowbrite #ladylovelylocks #pokemon #starwars #doctorwho #redpanda #thelabyrinth #adventuretime #sailormoon #lordoftherings #cardcaptorsakura #DnD #FFXIV #Mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #kingdomhearts #loki #worldofwarcraft #murloc #shugochara
#knitting #geek #Marvel #rainbowbrite #ladylovelylocks #pokemon #starwars #DoctorWho #redpanda #thelabyrinth #adventuretime #sailormoon #lordoftherings #cardcaptorsakura #dnd #ffxiv #mylittleponyfriendshipismagic #loki #worldofwarcraft #murloc #shugochara #kingdomhearts
It's that time of the year again, to fill the house with 'Aaaargllll', 'hvlaaaach', 'Mwwwwlllllgggll', 'UÆÆÆÆÆRRRL' and other #Murloc sounds by putting on the #Hearthstone Murloc #YuleLog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp9C_0_JeYE
What's your favourite Yule Log?
#NowPlaying #MusicFiXatoListensTo #yule #yuletide #christmas
#murloc #hearthstone #yulelog #NowPlaying #musicfixatolistensto #yule #yuletide #christmas
Enjoyed playing a couple of rounds of #Hearthstone again after not having played it for more than a year or so.
They sure made a lot of changes!
Was fun doing a #Murloc deck in the current brawl where you pick 3 card that will fill your deck of 30 cards. Did pretty well as long as I wasn't up against a Mage that would buff their spells, reduce spell cost, and generate mana...
#hearthstone #murloc #androidgaming #gaming #ccg #CollectibleCardGames