#Herbert ist ein wunderbarer Künstler, den ich sehr verehre. Danke. :ablobcool:
{#GeorgWurth Retweeted
Wir schließen uns den 13 Forderungen zur #Entkriminalisierung von Personen, die illegale #Drogen nehmen, von #MyBrainMyChoice an! #Weltdrogentag #SupportDontPunish}
#Story #Cannabis:#Weedmob
#Urvertrauen #Urliebe #love #something #DHV #magic #Murph #zeitdilatation 👍 😍 #stay ...
#stay #zeitdilatation #murph #magic #dhv #something #love #urliebe #urvertrauen #WeedMob #cannabis #story #supportdontpunish #weltdrogentag #mybrainmychoice #drogen #entkriminalisierung #hanfverband #georgwurth #herbert
Warm up with some jogging, shoulder mobility & quickly going over scaling options. Then onto the grind:
- 1 mile run (1.61km)
- 100 pull ups
- 200 push ups
- 300 squats
- 1 mile run
I did ring rows / elevated push ups / squats, and split it in 20 rounds of 5/10/15 (aka Cindy style).
Managed to finish my first scaled Murph in 49:25.
Tomorrow I might not be able to go up/down the stairs.
#workout #murph #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay #fitness
Woke up early, had coffee with the sunrise. Did #Murph in honor of those who we've lost. Ate breakfast sandwiches with the fam. Messed about in the garden. Took a nap. Dreamed of heavy things. Woke up with Soundgarden's “Black Hole Sun” stuck in my head. Now sitting on my porch listening to said song and working on my tiny little app. My wife and kids are asleep inside.
All this within my small slice of this rock hurtling through empty space at 492,126 miles per hour.
To be alive is a gift.
It took about an hour and 20 minutes (minus warmup, slow and steady) but at least I finished the #Murph workout. Maybe when I get this weight off it will be sub-one hour.
#crossfit Murph done today.
Eight minutes faster than in 2016. Didn't do it weighed, too old for that now.
As I'm 65. Today was a good day
1 mile run
100 pull-ups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run
#sport #fitness #health #crossfit #murph
#crossfit #sport #fitness #health #murph
Wishing all those out there who have lost a friend or family member in the military a day of good rememebrence. #MemorialDay #ArmyFamily #AirForceFamily #NavyFamily #Murph
#murph #navyfamily #airforcefamily #armyfamily #MemorialDay
Wishing all those out there who have lost a friend or family member in the military a day of good rememebrence. #MemorialDay #ArmyFamily #AirForceFamily #NavyFamily #Murph
#murph #navyfamily #airforcefamily #armyfamily #MemorialDay
Anyone else doing the #Murph #MemorialDay workout on Monday? I signed up. Haven't done one in about 4 years so I already know it's going to be more brutal than usual.
Dinosaur Jr announce 'Where You Been?' 30th anniversary residencies (BV presale for NYC) #2023_05_22 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #tour_dates #dinosaur_jr #j_mascis #lou_barlow #murph
#2023_05_22 #brooklynvegan #bill_pearis #music_news #tour_dates #dinosaur_jr #j_mascis #lou_barlow #murph
Dear @igisho #wonderful - simply wonderful! My soul is flying
#traumzeitwirbelsturm #blackholes are #beautiful #message #Murph :mastosob: #staydad #stay #dad #how? #promised #me
#me #promised #how #dad #stay #staydad #murph #message #beautiful #blackholes #traumzeitwirbelsturm #wonderful
Lieber @VQuaschning darf ich "#etwas" erzählen? - - > Danke - "echte" #Männer sind was sehr Gutes. Gute Väter sind was echt sehr sehr sehr Gutes! Danke 👍 :blobcatyes: :blobcatlove:
#Why? ich mag #Rätsel
#weedmob:#vegan #gras:#ist:#gruen 😅 🌲 💚 wer sind #SIE? #Alien #Skyfullofstars #Universe #Quantendaten #murph 😍 #love #dimensions #someday #something #thatisthepoweroflove
#dad :mastosob: #ghost #Storytelling #magic
#magic #storytelling #ghost #dad #thatisthepoweroflove #something #SOMEDAY #dimensions #love #murph #quantendaten #universe #skyfullofstars #alien #Sie #gruen #ist #gras #vegan #WeedMob #ratsel #why #manner #etwas
Today's #Workout happened to be a #Murph prep round
Warm up (with partner): 2 rounds
* P1: 150 m run / P2: passive hang
* P1: passive hang / P2: 150 m run
* P1: 150 m run / P2: plank
* P1: plank / P2: 150 m run
* 5 synchro burpees
Technique work: pull-ups & push-ups
20 min AMRAP:
* 1-2-3-4-5.... pull-ups (did Australian:
* 1-2-3-4-5-... push-ups (did knee pushups)
* 150 m run
Managed 9 full rounds 😀
#workout #murph #crossfit #crossfitforyoga #fitness #wod #WorkoutOfTheDay
For time
Half Murph
800 meter run
50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
150 Air Squats
800 meter run
Scaled to 800m row (I don't run with my prosthetic hip...)
50 jumping pull ups
100 push ups
150 air squats
800m row
In 25:55
#WorkoutOfTheDay #wod #endgame #crossfit #murph
#Murph is built on top of #Symfony 5.4 which is the current LTS version of Symfony. I'm working on moving to Symfony 6.2 🚀
Btw, Murph a been tested on PHP 8.3 and it perfectly works! 💪
Check out the documentation and feel free to test the badic demo
Dinosaur Jr // #DinosaurJr //
Goin' Home
[album Where You Been, 1993]
//via // #CherryRedRecords //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #DinosaurJr #WhereYouBeen #GoinHome #JMascis #MikeJohnson #EmmettJeffersonMurphyIII #Murph
link youtube:
#dinosaurjr #cherryredrecords #brandunbrand #youtube #music #whereyoubeen #goinhome #jmascis #mikejohnson #emmettjeffersonmurphyiii #murph
Murph looked cold so I put this shawl on him. He hopped up to get some water and took it with. #CatsOfMastododon #catsofwestphilly #murph
#murph #catsofwestphilly #catsofmastododon