[1/2] One thing that #MurrayBookchin says about #religion in #prehistory, in #TheEcologyOfFreedom, is that spirits and deities emerged as abstractions of the real entities and concepts they represented, which were already revered in #spiritual ways.
The first Sun god was the Sun, the first Earth goddess was the Earth, the first animal spirits were the animals themselves, the first love deity was love itself, etc.
#murraybookchin #religion #prehistory #theecologyoffreedom #spiritual
@LexYeen this is a #MurrayBookchin quote I'm pretty sure, I'm tagging #CornelWest because it supports the case that maybe its not impossible for a third party to win. When people say its impossible, theyre using that same logic bookchin criticized.
Me publican hoy esto en el nº 39 de Kalewche. Espero que os divierta y nos haga pensar un poquito a tod*s 😊
Gracias a Carmen, por haber plasmado tan bien la idea de los concursantes 🙂
#Poscapitalismo #Ecofascismo #GreenNewDeal #TedTrainer #Decrecimiento #MurrayBookchin
#poscapitalismo #ecofascismo #greennewdeal #tedtrainer #decrecimiento #murraybookchin
Roedd gorffen llyfr #DavidBrower braidd yn dalcen caled, er bod y darn ola un — am brotestiadau Seattle 1999 — yn uchafbwynt, felly dw i’n fallch i fi gadw i fynd.
Mynd yn ôl i rywun o’n i’n darllen yn y 90au cynnar, i weld a ydy #MurrayBookchin wedi dyddio’n well na’r “Archdderwydd” bondigrybwyll.
#DarllenNawr https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/445e120f-693c-4c0b-9b55-3cd71a46daff
#DarllenNawr #murraybookchin #davidbrower
Episode 8 of A Radical Podcast drops on Monday the 5th @ 8:30 am - Click the notificaiton bell to be alerted when it goes live https://youtu.be/TjO2-m5EaYM
#EverythingForEveryone, #FreeSociety, #MutualAid, #AnarchistBlackCrossFederation, #PoliticalPrisoners, #PrisonersOfWar, #MurrayBookchin, #SocialEcology, #LibertarianMunicipalism, #Bronx, #Anarchism, #Resistance, #RadicalGuide, #EndsarsMovement, #UniversalBasicIncome, #CommunalSuccess, #NonMarketAlternatives.#aradicalpodcast #aradicalguide
#EverythingForEveryone #freesociety #MutualAid #AnarchistBlackCrossFederation #politicalprisoners #prisonersofwar #murraybookchin #socialecology #libertarianmunicipalism #bronx #anarchism #resistance #radicalguide #endsarsmovement #universalbasicincome #communalsuccess #nonmarketalternatives #aradicalpodcast #aradicalguide
#SocialEcology is not Bookchinism.
#MurrayBookchin made enormous contributions to #social #ecology, it's true. We definitely shouldn't discard him. But he's not the only one, or perfect, or the "best" whatever that means.
Social ecology is, by definition, #collaborative and anti-hierarchichal. It is #anarchism. Nobody can be at the center. Social ecologist #theory and #praxis must be developed by a multitude of different people from different backgrounds. We certainly shouldn't elevate a white American man theorist above all others, no matter how much we like his ideas.
I've read The Philosophy of Social Ecology, and I'm almost finished reading The Ecology of Freedom. The next book I read on social ecology will not be Bookchin. It will probably be Pan-African Social Ecology, by #ModiboKadalie.
#socialecology #murraybookchin #social #ecology #collaborative #anarchism #theory #praxis #modibokadalie
Le « citoyen » actuel se limite au rôle de contribuable et de sélection d'un « élu » sur lequel il n'a d'ailleurs plus aucune prise une fois son bulletin glissé dans l'urne. D'où, de plus en plus, un contexte de désillusion face à la politique et une abstention croissante.
#MurrayBookchin / Pour une écologie sociale et radicale (2014)
Just finished Remaking Society by #MurrayBookchin which I recommend. Really wish it had been more solution than problem focused but it’s a good overview of the perspectives that contribute to the #ClimateCrisis and how they tie in to injustice all over the world.
Now onto The Solutions Are Already Here by #PeterGelderloos. #bookstodon #CurrentlyReading
#murraybookchin #climatecrisis #petergelderloos #bookstodon #currentlyreading
Attitudine hacker e tecnologie conviviali https://www.carmillaonline.com/2023/04/13/attitudine-hacker-e-tecnologie-conviviali/ #tecnologieconviviali #attitudinehacker #JacobLeviMoreno #GioacchinoToni #MurrayBookchin #esseritecnici #Segnalazioni #DonnaHaraway #CarloMilani #DavidWalker #PauloFreire #DavidBoud #RuthCohen #dominio #libertá #Hacker #potere
#tecnologieconviviali #attitudinehacker #JacobLeviMoreno #gioacchinotoni #murraybookchin #esseritecnici #segnalazioni #donnaharaway #CarloMilani #DavidWalker #paulofreire #DavidBoud #RuthCohen #dominio #libertá #hacker #potere
Today in Labor History March 17, 2016: The Movement for a Democratic Society declared the establishment of the Democratic Federation of Northern Syria. Supporters of the federation claim they have implemented a form of libertarian socialism, influenced by American anarchist Murray Bookchin, with decentralization, gender equality and local governance through direct democracy., with worker cooperatives and district councils, each with one male and one female co-president. They have also banned child marriages and honor killings, and are attempting to replace punitive justice with a system of restorative justice. And women play a prominent role on the battlefield, as well as within the political system. Yet private property remains a part of their system, which is inconsistent with Bookchinite anarchism. And according to Andrea Glioti, remnants of the PKK’s Stalinist past remain in Rojava. He cites the ubiquitous portraits of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, often accompanied by the slogan “There’s no life without a leader.”
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #anarchism #MurrayBookchin #syria #Kobani #Rojava #GenderEquality #pkk #RestorativeJustice #stalinism
#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #kobani #Rojava #GenderEquality #pkk #restorativejustice #stalinism
I’m really excited to read #MurrayBookchin but I’ve also got four library #books I’ve gotta finish. One is 428 pages and I’ve barely made a dent. Due in a week now, I think, and ofc I started the book due in 3 weeks a couple of days ago. The nice part about mass transit is that it gets me reading so I’ll have to push myself to get out more next week (masked up, of course). Whether you have goals or not, I hope you’re enjoying your #reading — and lmk what your current reads are! #bookstodon
#murraybookchin #books #reading #bookstodon
“Until society can be reclaimed by an undivided humanity that will use its collective wisdom, cultural achievements, technological innovations, scientific knowledge, and innate creativity for its own benefit and for that of the natural world, all ecological problems will have their roots in social problems.”
― Murray Bookchin
#quotes #quote #murraybookchin
Les mouvements féministes, écologistes et communalistes doivent créer des communautés humaines décentralisées adaptées à leurs écosystèmes. Ils doivent démocratiser les villages et les villes, les confédérer, et créer un contre-pouvoir face à l’État.
#MurrayBookchin / rencontre internationale « Ciao anarchici » de Venise 1984
Beyond the Caricature: The Need to Recover #Bookchin
#SocialEcology #Communalism #DemocraticConfederalism #MurrayBookchin
#bookchin #socialecology #Communalism #democraticconfederalism #murraybookchin
I'm going to try & salvage all my stuff I informed on #EcoSocialism, #MurrayBookchin, #GreenParty, etc.
#ecosocialism #murraybookchin #greenparty
As a part of the essay series (https://kolektiva.social/@hydroponictrash/109803954072197898) I also made short zine style graphics to go along with it. #solarpunk #socialecology #communalism #googlebookchin #murraybookchin
#solarpunk #socialecology #Communalism #GoogleBookchin #murraybookchin
Today in Labor History January 27, 2014: The Kobani Canton declared its autonomy from the Syrian Arab Republic during the Rojava conflict. Supporters claim they have implemented a form of libertarian socialism, influenced by American anarchist Murray Bookchin, with decentralization, gender equality and local governance through direct democracy. They have created worker cooperatives and govern the cantons through district councils, each with one male and one female co-president. The councils have gender quotas requiring at least 40% female participation. They have banned child marriages and honor killings. They are attempting to replace punitive justice with a system of restorative justice. And women play a prominent role on the battlefield, as well as within the political system. Yet private property remains a part of their system, which is inconsistent with Bookchinian anarchism. And according to Andrea Glioti, remnants of the PKK’s Stalinist past remain in Rojava. He cites the ubiquitous portraits of PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, often accompanied by the slogan “There’s no life without a leader.”
#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilwar #Rojava #PYD #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #socialism #feminism #stalinism #Ocalan #pkk #kurdish #kurdistan #equality #cooperatives #restorativejustice
#workingclass #LaborHistory #civilwar #Rojava #pyd #anarchism #murraybookchin #syria #socialism #feminism #stalinism #Ocalan #pkk #kurdish #kurdistan #equality #cooperatives #restorativejustice
This is a quote I come back to so often because it is so often the biggest obstacle to overcome when trying to convey radical ideas to people.
#murraybookchin #anarchism #quote
Today in Labor History January 14, 1921: Anarchist environmentalist writer and philosopher Murray Bookchin was born in New York to Russian Jewish immigrants. Before the age of 10, he had joined the Young Pioneers, a communist league for children. As a young adult, he served as a union shop steward for the United Electrical Workers and later, as an autoworker, was active in the 1945-1946 GM strike. In the 1950s he started writing about the environment and, some say, was the first to introduce “environmentalism” and “ecology” to radical politics. He had a vision of an ecological society based on participatory, grassroots politics, in which municipal communities democratically plan and manage their affairs through popular assembly, which he called Communalism, or Libertarian Municipalism. This tendency has been a major influence on PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, as well as the Kurdish People's Protection Units and the Rojava Autonomous Region in Syria. Bookchin’s 1995 book “Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism” critiqued the tendency of many anarchists toward primitivism, anti-technologism, & individual self-expression at the expense of forming a social movement.
#workingclass #LaborHistory #murraybookchin #anarchism #Rojava #socialecology #russian #jewish #union #pkk #kurdish
#workingclass #LaborHistory #murraybookchin #anarchism #Rojava #socialecology #russian #jewish #union #pkk #kurdish
@Nadinabbott - if your interested a great example of anarchist principles in action is in many of the organisations in Rojava Syria. Where hierarchy has been replaced with councils. In the war against IS people agree someone needs to be in charge but that role isn’t static. It can be swapped out. We could learn a lot from their system that has endured since 2012. #DemocraticConfederalism #AbdullahOcalan #MurrayBookchin #Anarchism
#democraticconfederalism #AbdullahOcalan #murraybookchin #anarchism