La chronique de "La planète oubliée", de Murray Leinster.
#Bibliotaphe #mastolivre #murrayleinster #laplaneteoubliee #livre #lire #roman #lecture #read #books
#books #read #lecture #roman #lire #livre #laplaneteoubliee #murrayleinster #mastolivre #Bibliotaphe
The Invaders is a 1953 scifi novella by Murray Leinster. It's an alien invasion story. The aliens look just like us. A cliched idea but with some nice twists and some real ambiguity concerning the motivations of the aliens. It's pretty good.
My review:
#sciencefiction #scifi #alieninvasion #murrayleinster
I'm a sci-fi fan but my tastes are strictly old school. I don't read anything written since the 90s. And not much written since the 60s, apart from some of the cyberpunk writers.
One of the first sci-fi novels I read was Arthur C. Clarke's The City and the Stars and I still regard it as one of the half dozen best sci-fi novels of all time.
Some writers I like -
#ArthurCClarke #murrayleinster #julesverne #hgwells #johnwyndham #fredhoyle #frederikpohl #conandoyle #williamgibson #leighbrackett
#ArthurCClarke #murrayleinster #julesverne #hgwells #johnwyndham #fredhoyle #frederikpohl #conandoyle #williamgibson #leighbrackett