TheOnion: Study Finds U.S. Employees Waste 2 Million Hours Annually Spending Time With Friends, Family #rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #historicalrevisionism #americanlibertarians #businessfinance #murrayrothbard #ericrothbard #workingtime #efficiency #labor
#rightwingpopulismintheunitedstates #historicalrevisionism #americanlibertarians #businessfinance #murrayrothbard #ericrothbard #workingtime #efficiency #labor
We lost a #Libertarian counter balance with the passing of Yuri. He was a friend of #MurrayRothbard, a friend of #RonPaul, and a proper #Misesian economist.
Yet Yuri was in a position to call bullshit on pundits in the Libertarian sphere (like #DanielMcAdams) who held up #Putin as an honest figure abused by our corrupt Elite grand strategists.
#Putinism is not an alternative, it is the kind of Elite Mafia system our Elites want to emulate.
A pox on all their houses.
#libertarian #murrayrothbard #ronpaul #misesian #DanielMcAdams #putin #putinism
#StevenKotkin is another interesting commentator on #Russia and #China
I linked earlier, #YuriMaltsev (RIP) - there are many YT vids from him about #Soviet history, and the disturbing trend towards #Socialism in the U.S.
He was a friend of #MurrayRothbard
Maltsev also warned that some #Libertarians mistakenly looked towards #Putin as some kind of alternative to the problems in the West.
#Maltsev thought Putin was just another Mafia Thug.
#stevenkotkin #russia #china #yurimaltsev #soviet #socialism #murrayrothbard #libertarians #putin #maltsev
Once one concedes that a single world #government isn't necessary, then where does one logically stop at the permissibility of separate states?
The #State has never been created by a "social contract;" it has always been born in conquest & exploitation
@nova one of the few things #MurrayRothbard got right is that “there are no such things as ends of or actions by 'groups,' 'collectives,' or 'States,' which do not take place as actions by various specific individuals.” Corporations simply shield individuals from accountability.
Any remote or indirect criterion - any 'risk' or 'threat' - is simply an excuse for invasive action by the supposed 'defender' against the alleged 'threat'
The natural tendency of #government, once in charge of money, is to inflate and to destroy the value of the currency
#Statistics, so vital to statism, its namesake, is also the State's Achilles' heel
Do #conspiracies really exist? #MurrayRothbard thought so
@raucao The typical Libertarian misrepresentation is that the state claims "a monopoly on violence", vaguely handwaving at Weber.
What Max Weber actually wrote was that for an organisation within a territorial area:
A compulsory political organization with continuous operations will be called a "state" insofar as its administrative staff successfully upholds a claim to the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force
Emphasis in the original.
This gives a set of possible circumstances:
Absent a state, by Weber's definition, a geographic region lacks one or more of legitimacy or monopoly. Odds are quite high that violence in some form or manner will exist. What it will lack is accountability, systematic application according to accepted law, and legitimacy.
And if some entity, hierarchical or self-organised, emerges within a region, which can successfully claim a legitimate monopoly to use of force, then whatever it calls itself (corporation, commune, anarcho-syndicate, ...), it is by Weber's definition a state.
Best I can tell, the misrepresentation originates with Murray Rothbard in the early 1960s, though it's possible he picked it up elsewhere. Weber's works were just being translated and published in English at about that time.
That's the critique against the "monopoly of violence" justification.
NAP suffers numerous other defects, of course. Most of which is it's a self-justifying rationalisation and myth with no factual or empirical basis.
#MaxWeber #MonopolyOnViolence #NAP NonAggression #MurrayRothbard #State #Libertarianism
#maxweber #MonopolyOnViolence #nap #murrayrothbard #state #libertarianism
#Capitalism is the fullest expression of anarchism & anarchism is the fullest expression of capitalism
Of all numerous forms governments have taken over the centuries, none has succeeded in keeping the State in check
" Some of the critics have proclaimed Star Wars as even better than “2001”, but that would be no great feat, since there have been few movies of any genre that have been worse than that pretentious, mystical, boring, plotless piece of claptrap."
Murray Rothbard’s Star Wars Review
#stanleykubrick #starwars #murrayrothbard
It's evident that the State needs the intellectuals; it's not so evident why intellectuals need the State
It's easy to be conspicuously 'compassionate' if others are being forced to pay the cost
#MurrayRothbard on #MiltonFriedman
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#murrayrothbard #miltonfriedman
It is clearly absurd to limit the term 'education' to a person's formal schooling