Took some lewds at #tfs2023 >:3
Also holy fuck I love my new collar
📷 @Ceru
#nsfw #irlporn #murrsuit #otter #otterlyoliver #fursuit #fursuitmaker #watersausage #gay #gayotter #gayotters #nude #nudemale #nudegay #lewd #lewds
#tfs2023 #nsfw #irlporn #murrsuit #otter #otterlyoliver #fursuit #fursuitmaker #watersausage #gay #gayotter #gayotters #nude #nudemale #nudegay #lewd #lewds
scruffy dogs in your area are looking to sniff and to be sniffed… can you handle that??
🌟 click here to sign up 🌟
Less than a minute~
#nsfw #murrsuit #handsfreeorgasm #handsfree #princealbert
Do you like cream cheese?
Yes you do? Maybe want a muzzle painted with it as well?
Full Video on:
#murrsuit #blowjob #facefuck #puppy #painting #muzzle #cumshot #facial
#murrsuit #blowjob #facefuck #puppy #painting #muzzle #cumshot #facial
Little bit of horse-dick tummy bulging :9
Couldn't decide between a front view or the here's both~! ♥️
#tummybulge #nsfw #murrsuit #horsecock
Tummy bulge, and the horse-dick that caused it :9
Video soon. I just really liked these screencaps~
#nsfw #murrsuit #fursuit #petsuit #horsecock #horsecock_dildo
#nsfw #murrsuit #fursuit #petsuit #horsecock #horsecock_dildo
We doin' #murrsuitMonday on this platform? 😏
#murrsuitmonday #fursuit #murrsuit #nsfw
It took a surprisingly large amount of effort to make this clip, but here's where that last teaser upload is from! 😹
Starring Jack, from Weredog! ♥️🐴
(full video available on JFF~)
#fursuit #murrsuit #nsfw #horsecock #cum #princealbert
Do any #fursuit makers have any resources on making #murrsuits? I can't find any tutorials. I'm specifically looking to make sheath underwear.
Boosts appreciated if you don't know the answer, thank you!!
#fursuitmaker #fursuitmakers #murrsuitmaker #murrsuit #murrsuitmakers #nsfw #furry #fursuit #fursuitnsfw #nsfwfurry #furrynsfw
#fursuit #murrsuits #fursuitmaker #fursuitmakers #murrsuitmaker #murrsuit #murrsuitmakers #nsfw #furry #fursuitnsfw #nsfwfurry #furrynsfw
Having a lot of fun going over some of my early videos with new editing software. I'll slowly post some of the best results here to uh, warm up to the site~ 😊
Suggest me some more / better hashtags. I'm bad at this~
#handsfree #handsfreeorgasm #murrsuit #dildo
Allow me to spoil my mastodon feed early with dick~
#murrsuit #furryad #fursuit #princealbert
Poor tied up bird having no Choice but to squirm, all tied up with a wand pressing between her legs. #murrsuit
First time for everything - New cat friend of mine made me nut in my cage. I usually wear that thing as a passive way of communicating what I'm looking for. Being made to cum while wearing the thing under my jock strap, though... Holy crap that was an intense feeling. >.>
#murrsuit #murrsuiter