I'm gonna start using #MuscleMonday.
On Mondays I'm going to try to get a real pump on, push myself further than normal, and share it either through pics or words.
I'll see if this helps keep me accountable to my workout goals 🤷
I'm late for my #musclemonday update... I'm not feeling very swoll, but I'm looking forward to more progress pics!
Back and bicep day
#musclemonday #musclecub #gaybear
#musclemonday #musclecub #gaybear
Is #MuscleMonday a thing? Seems like it.
Every now and then I try #flexing and this one looks pretty alright if I do say so myself. Hope you all like it!
My first good workout in a couple weeks... But despite my bad gymming, I've been better about eating (less, but certainly not healthier lol)
#musclecub #gaybear #musclemonday
BRINGING BACK #SHIRTLESSSUNDAY as #musclemonday lol #fitness #bodybuilding
#bodybuilding #fitness #musclemonday #shirtlesssunday
AND OF COURSE... #musclemonday from #MFF, courtesy of foxinuptheplace and me
Missed #shirtlesssunday so you get #musclemonday! #bodybuilding #fitness #cosplay
#cosplay #fitness #bodybuilding #musclemonday #shirtlesssunday