Ref, he got the ball!(of fire) aaand Oscar gets sent off with a straight up red card, back to you Jim. #muscoment
@analgesicsleep Aaand now I'm thinking of that Red Dwarf episode, where Kryten became human. THAT wasn't normal! 🤣 #muscoment
@analgesicsleep He has the reluctance of a Henry. #ThatJokeKilledItInEE #muscoment
#muscoment #thatjokekilleditinee
@JanineFromPgh I often can't tell the difference between artist, high AF, and alien. #muscoment
@analgesicsleep It's like they've never seen a woman before? 😊 #muscoment
If this is the one with the old guy on the double bass, I'm LITERALLY that guy now! 👋 #muscoment
@analgesicsleep "I wannnaaaa know what yum-yum iiis, I waaant you to show meee!🎶" #WrongSong #muscoment
Who wore it better?
Robin Williams - Mrs. Doubtfire
Bill Powell - Love Crazy
Dustin Hoffman - Tootsie
Julie Andrews - Victor Victoria
There are many on Mastodon who are experts at knitting and crocheting, but I cannot appreciate their expertise properly because of a scene coming up.
Myrna was enjoying his struggle over the shoe story a bit too much.
Oh, the days when you had a guy running the elevator and still weren't sure if you'd make it to your floor.
@MatthewTitus88 1981 Big-E beer 99c/sixpack. If you left it in a freezer until it almost froze! could drink it. 😬 #muscoment