If you need a short distraction, I published a minor update to my second violin nocturne. musescore.com/user/26698536/sc


Last updated 1 year ago

Here's how I like to spend my free time. You don't need to join the site to listen. Just hit the play button. This is a computer-generated performance. Headphones recommended. musescore.com/user/26698536/sc


Last updated 1 year ago

OK, I have Sloop John B (B. Boys) arranged such that the lead sheet is clear, easy and follows the recording enough that I can play along (albeit at 85% speed)

I also have Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) such that it is clear and easy. I haven't checked against my recording of choice yet. I think I'm in a different key.


Ugh. I don't wanna play in F major, I wanna play in G major. I think I'll the mp3...

#autotune #guitar #music #musescore

Last updated 1 year ago

If someone knows a way to make put fretboard diagrams off to the side or at the top/bottom of the page, I'd love that.

I can probably remember how to finger Dsus4, D7 and Am7 but G/B will likely escape me down the road.

#musescore #guitar

Last updated 1 year ago

We seem to be getting somewhere!

This is compiled from multiple sources. The chords come from an amalgamation of play-along videos (where the chord is the open fingering played with a capo on the first fret) modified by me to things I can reasonably play

The part is only there because needs to attach lyrics to something. So I'm transposing an existing piano arrangement to this (apparent) key

can play . Playing along (w/o capo) sounds great!

#guitar #piano #musescore #midi

Last updated 1 year ago

Make my own lead sheet(s) instead of the stupid chord sheets/tabs available everywhere.

seems really great for this.

The only problem is that while I know about than a chord sheet assumes I know less than I probably need to, for instance, line the lyrics up with the beat.

But it's all a process! It's OK to be terrible! Everyone starts somewhere! (he snarled through gritted teeth)

#weekend #projects #guitar #musescore #music #learning

Last updated 1 year ago

I really really want to write tabs in

But I have to watch **5 minutes** of video to learn how??

Why does God give me her hardest battles? I need a different hobby.

#guitar #musescore #adhd

Last updated 1 year ago

fluffy ๐Ÿ’œ · @fluffy
1462 followers · 9837 posts · Server plush.city

Really, ? Using the same bullshit advertising tactics as scammy portable air conditioner units?

You really wonder why youโ€™ve gone from beloved opensource product to being Extremely Suspect practically overnight?

(And reminder that these are the folks who own now too)

Worth noting that the timer in the email is an animated .gif that counts down and repeats every 60 seconds.

#audacity #musescore

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
191 followers · 340 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Converted the MIDI file I made of Roger Limb's "Making The Most of The Micro" theme into , and it sounded so busy you couldn't hear anything.

So, then came the process of taking stuff out so you could actually hear the tune.

This version is rather dour and miserable, which is odd as it was a rather cosy little programme that I have nothing but fond memories for.


Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
191 followers · 340 posts · Server fosstodon.org

If I hated an orchestra, I'd give them this. It's Ian McKim's 4-Square maze theme, which I've scored for a full orchestra in 4. Every instrument has either a boring part (what string players call a "football score" as there are so many semibreves looking like a load of footballs), a physically demanding part, or both.

I loved this bit of 4-Square, particularly the Acorn Archimedes graphics.


Last updated 1 year ago

Venya · @venya
321 followers · 660 posts · Server musicians.today

trying to learn

which I think I've been trying to do since v2.something


Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
192 followers · 330 posts · Server fosstodon.org

๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ท๓ ฌ๓ ณ๓ ฟ Nawr gallwn ni bostio mewn ieithoedd heblaw Saesneg, dyma rywbeth ar gyfer tooters ar rai trosglwyddyddion yn unig.

๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ Now we can post in languages other than English, here's something for tooters on certain transmitters only.


Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
192 followers · 329 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I just love the MuseSound woodwinds in 4. had a lovely schools tune that works with just about whatever you do with it, so I threw a woodwind quintet and percussion at it.

#musescore #bbcnorthernireland

Last updated 1 year ago

BITNACHT · @Bitnacht
51 followers · 994 posts · Server troet.cafe

I am perfectly happy with software such as to sound nothing like the real instruments, but why do they all sound like shit instead of beautiful - ?

Is there an extension pack for this?

Boost appreciated

#sounds #synth #retro #musescore #notation

Last updated 1 year ago

Rick Lining · @PacMan225
844 followers · 880 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Ah. So the invitation I have for a years subscription at 90 % off (which is still significant to me) isn't worth the candle?
Not holding you to anything, you understand, just an off the cuff opinion would be welcome.

#musescore #musegroup #opensource #foss #darkpatterns

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
192 followers · 329 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Before I move on and "work" on something else, I thought I would just give you an idea of how the piece of music I have been working on in , the Schools Signal by Lionel Salter, would have been used.

Obviously the BBC didn't broadcast in colour in 1964 (when the recording I used to transcribe dates from) but I always thought the pie chart is so evocative in faded colour. The graphics were all drawn in and I put the video together in .


#musescore #bbc #inkscape #kdenlive

Last updated 1 year ago

EricJ · @ericj
12 followers · 221 posts · Server mastodon.acc.umu.se

@unfa While on the topic of , I think it's worth pointing out to people that the project suffered lots of regressions between the 3.x stable branch and the newly developed 4.x branch.

I hear that the most egregious bugs (crashes = lost work) have mostly been fixed, but the project is still a prime example of "throwing out the baby with the bathwater".

For example, I'd be surprised to see JACK support make it back into 4.x. Maybe one day we'll see PipeWire, though.


Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
188 followers · 311 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Schools Signal by Lionel Salter in . Got to the end, but I haven't finished as some bits are wrong. However, that's best left for another day.

The main thing is that for the first time ever, I've got to hear the bit the nice posh lady talks all over.

The piece should be exactly 2 minutes with the first chord after the introduction of the bass coming in exactly at 1 minute. I'm well over 2 minutes and it's already 150bpm! Pity the musicians having to sightread this at this speed!

#bbc #musescore

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
188 followers · 308 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Schools Signal update: only got another 15 seconds done in today.

The second half is proving just as tricky to do as the first; as there is no percussion, the arrangement starts and stops in a rhythmic way to give the effect of percussion.

I've now got to the bit with the extremely posh female announcer with the velvety 60 Capstan Full Strength-a-day voice starts talking over the recording, so it'll be even tougher to arrange.

#bbc #musescore

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Jeffery · @KecskeBak
187 followers · 300 posts · Server fosstodon.org

The Schools Signal by Lionel Salter is in C major and 4/4. Should be really easy to transcribe a recording of it into then.

Nope. A look at Salter's resumรฉ (including being the BBC's Assistant Music Controller) suggests you might be in for a rather hard time.

Transcribing the first minute of this (attached) almost drove me nuts. But it was fascinating too; he made sure every instrument had something interesting to do and had their spot in the sun.


#bbc #musescore

Last updated 1 year ago