I am beyond words about how amazing the free, open-source #Musescore4 is. For the first time in my life, I was able to write notes directly onto the 'page' like a breeze and then listen to what I wrote with its very capable interpreter and samples. Having no education in music (theory) software like this are a real gift.
Omg omg, #MuseScore4 får snart funksjonalitet for lesing av #braille
Kanskje kan jeg endelig la meg motivere til å lære litt noter :)
Ikke for det, etter å ha lært musikk på gehør siden jeg var 6, vil det nok alltid være min foretrukne læringsstil. Men etter å ha brukt måneder på å lære _ett_ litt komplekst pianostykke på øret, har til og med jeg tatt meg i å savne muligheten for å repetere ved hjelp av noe anna enn lyd :p
Et en +, Musescore désobéit au tempo. Je lui dis noire=100, je vérifie avec un métronome électronique et je me rends compte qu'il joue la partition à noire = 92
Non, là, franchement c'est chiant !
I have also a problem of BPM. #Musescore4 is playing my score more slowly than I asked
( I asked BPM 100 and the application is playing at BPM=92)
Does anybody have a tonality's problem with #Musescore4 ? The A is very low (around 415 Hz) and my ears can't work well in this way.... If you have a solution, tell me please <3
Est-ce que quelqu'un utilisant musescore4 peut m'aider à comprendre pourquoi le mélangeur me joue ma partition avec un la beaucoup plus bas que 440 hz ? Comment régler ce problème ? si tu sais, fais moi signe. Merci, bisous, les zikos
Coming back to #Sax learning after 2 days rather than three feels much better. Also all three pieces that I'm working on now are arranged for the same key, Concert F, D on the Alto.
That's is:
1. Beatles ~ She's Leaving Home
2. Coldplay ~ Fix You
3. Bad Pollyanna ~ I See You
The latter I am also using to learn transcription by ear, writing in #MuseScore4 and then transposing for the Sax.
Time consuming, challenging but I am making progress. 🎼 🎷
@grimethorpeband @mcmullin I'm thinking Sax too. Currently learning transcribing using a song and transposing / arranging vocal to Alto Sax. #Musescore4
A little more work on my learning project, transcribing / transposing in #MuseScore4. I'm using 'I See You' by Bad Pollyanna (Key of E), transposign to concert F with Alto Sax pitched as D.
Well a first session with #MuseScore4 and it seems to be very similar to the version 3 with regards to location of key features, despite substantial cosmetic changes.
Looks like my earlier learning wasn't a wasted effort.
Such a great application - gotta love #FOSS. Talented team behind this thing.
After a few weeks of juggling learning #Bass, #Sax and #Piano learning I've decided to drop the Bass for a while. I am enjoying all three but want to make more progress, especially with the Sax, Now that my hands have recovered I don't want to risk the trigger thumb returning.
I think that's enough, coupled with learning #MuseScore4 to transcribe original score and transposing tunes for the Sax.
Exploring #MuseScore4 which seems to be a pretty big rewrite to the #music composition and engraving application.
Of course I had only just hacked my way of the MuseScore3 learning curve, and I suspect there will be some stuff I need to unlearn.
I lost quite a bit of time trying to open multiple scores at once from the command line in #MuseScore4, wondering what I was doing wrong (the flatpak arguments or the #MuseScore arguments).
Turns out it doesn't do multiple scores in tabs any longer, which I use when I practice.
Luckily I found an Appimage of version 3.6.2, which I can use for now.
Getting back into the swing of writing/composing of folk music after a month of being busy with the arty day job. Really liking the look of the new Musescore 4 too! It's had a total overhaul and seems to do so much more than it used to.
#Musescore4 #Composing #Songwriting #Music #FolkMusic
#musescore4 #composing #songwriting #music #folkmusic
Amazing #MuseScore 4 Sounds So #Heavy !
#MuseScore4 #Pizzicato #Strings #PizzicatoStrings #Brass #Drums #Guitar #Guitars #ElectricGuitar #ElectricGuitars #Reaper #Composition #MusicalComposition #Notation #MusicalNotation #MusicSoftware #NotationSoftware
#notationsoftware #MusicSoftware #musicalnotation #notation #MusicalComposition #composition #reaper #electricguitars #electricguitar #guitars #guitar #drums #brass #pizzicatostrings #strings #pizzicato #musescore4 #heavy #musescore
フリーな楽譜ソフトの#MUSESCORE4 最近リリースされて試してみたのだけど信じられない事に再生時のカウントイン機能が未実装との事。
I use #MuseScore for practicing choir singing, but so far I haven't managed to get #MuseScore4 to do what I want.
In all my scores I've set the vocals to play as a piano, but it seems MuseScore 4 ignores that and uses "oohs" instead.
I haven't managed to change the instrument to piano; if I replace the instrument I get the correct instrument, but then it changes the instrument name and transposes the notes.
For now I've downloaded a piano soundfount that I'm using instead.
Transcribing #music by ear is challenging but very satisfying. When I wrote my first songs 10 years ago with acoustic guitar accompaniment I didn't capture the melody with score, I wouldn't have known how to to do so tbh. Not sure that I do now but I'm giving it a go!
To build skills I'm transcribing #BadPollyanna's 'I See You' and transposing my arrrangement to the key of F with melody targetting #AltoSax. The brilliant #MuseScore4 is my writing tool.
#music #badpollyanna #altosax #musescore4
Par contre les soundfonts proposées par le Muse-Hub sont tellement bourrées de réverb que c'est presque impossible à utiliser. Sauf pour la musique religieuse, ce qui est peut-être un atout en période de Noël. Sur le forum on annonce une possibilité d’assécher ces sons pour bientôt. Me réjouis des sons aussi humides par un temps pareil...
#museScore4 #muse-hub #soundfonts #mao #reverb
#reverb #mao #soundfonts #muse #musescore4
Musescore 4 cela fonctionne avec l'AppImage sous UbuntuStudio. A priori un (très) gros relooking, on devrait s'y faire.
#musescore4 #mao #musique