ICYMI: The #MCN2023 program is live and it looks AMAZING #musetech #musesocial #museumed! Check it out! Join us in Philadelphia, November 8-10 and get that shot of adrenaline you get from being with your people at our first in person conference since 2019! https://mcn.edu/announcing-the-mcn-2023-program/
#mcn2023 #musetech #musesocial #museumed
New blog post! Asking 'Is 'clicks to curiosity triggered' a good metric for GLAM collections online?' (Also reveals a slight crush on TNA's new Explore interface)
#musetech #ux #collectionsonline #explore
Birmingham (UK) folk, an interesting event on Digital Good Network and BMT: Good uses of digital tech in museums and the cultural sector
28 Sept, near New St
#Birmingham #MuseTech #OpenGLAM
#birmingham #musetech #openglam
Fantastic questions after my keynote for #RBSCG2023 - thanks all! Some resources I mentioned - @AI4LAM @LivingWithMachines @BL_DigiSchol
https://www.ifla.org/g/ai/23-resources-to-get-up-to-speed-on-ai-in-2023/ https://sites.google.com/view/ai4lam
#rbscg2023 #musetech #glamtech #ai #machinelearning #glam
You know how IIIF and the Universal Viewer are really cool? The British Library is creating a product team to contribute to these communities' work and improve access to digital collections
Product Owner (£35-£39k)
Research Software Engineers (£35-£39k)
Senior Test Engineer (£29-£32k)
#IIIF #UniversalViewer #MuseTech #openGLAM #RSE #JobFairy #JobKlaxon #DH
#iiif #universalviewer #musetech #openglam #rse #jobfairy #JobKlaxon #dh
Today I learned about RO-Crate 'a community effort to establish a lightweight approach to packaging research data with their metadata'. Using schema.org annotations in JSON-LD, they want to 'make best-practice in formal metadata description accessible and practical for use in a wider variety of situations' (via @wragge 's experiments with it)
'RO-Crate is the marriage of Research Objects with DataCrate.'
'Among our core target users are: a) researchers engaged with computation and data-intensive, workflow-driven analysis; b) digital repository managers and infrastructure providers; c) individual researchers looking for a straight-forward tool or how-to guide to “FAIRify” their data; d) data stewards supporting research projects in creating and curating datasets.'
#data #ResearchData #DataScience #OpenAccess #openGLAM #MuseTech
#data #researchdata #datascience #openaccess #openglam #musetech
The National Archives UK have a 'new way to explore the nation’s archives' and it's lovely!
It's inspired a new #UX metric for #CollectionsOnline - 'time to curiosity inspired', or more accurately 'clicks to curiosity inspired'. Three clicks in and I was marvelling at a 1904 photo from a cotton mill
'About' post https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/new-way-to-explore-the-nations-archives/
#ux #collectionsonline #musetech
I don’t know what’s broken with (museum) membership systems but something is. It could be...
1. expectations are SO high that no software at all apart from entirely bespoke builds can do what is needed
2. off the shelf membership / CRM systems are basically shite.
3. the underlying membership scenarios are SO diverse, complex and awful that no software is ever going to be able to do it well…
#museums #membership #musetech #software
Hey #musetech! Registration is open for #MCN2023, November 8-10 in Philadelphia, PA! Join us for an amazing time together! #musesocial #museumed https://mcn.edu/annual-conference/mcn-2023/
#musetech #mcn2023 #musesocial #museumed
Interesting #musetech news: The Company Behind the Wildly Popular ‘Immersive Van Gogh’ Experience Has Filed for Bankruptcy https://news.artnet.com/art-world/immersive-van-gogh-company-bankruptcy-2342502
Thank you everyone who commented on our 'Recommendations, challenges and opportunities for the future of crowdsourcing in cultural heritage' white paper at #DH2023! You helped us realise that many of our recommendations would also help other digital cultural heritage / digital humanities projects
You can read and comment on our white paper at https://doi.org/10.21428/a5d7554f.2a84f94b
We've also shared our DH2023 slides https://zenodo.org/record/8211355
#DH2023 #musetech #digitalhumanities
Round about 20 years ago I presented an outline clickable wireframe of a new website to a curator at the Science Museum and he said "Well, I don't like the design much, it's a bit black and white" and I laughed and explained the difference between design and a wireframe and it hasn't happened to me for 2 decades and anyway a similar thing might have just happened to me again ffs
#prototype #museum #musetech #ux #webdesign
I'm really looking forward to giving a keynote on 'hype or hope' for AI / machine learning and special collections at the Rare Books and Special Collections 2023 conference (4-6 September; free; online) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rbscg-2023-conference-old-hands-new-ideas-tickets-685696004207
The programme looks fantastic!
#libraries #AI #MachineLearning #SpecialCollections #MuseTech
#libraries #ai #machinelearning #specialcollections #musetech
Interested in 'responsible computational use of gallery, library, archive, and museum collections'? Join Us! Crafting the Vancouver Statement on Collections as Data
What and why? https://collectionsasdata.github.io/part2whole/join/
Google doc with the statement: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11PQb8rPGY0jb_KpUAszOO7ceLy_wzpEu3AqFKP0tcBI/edit
#musetech #digitalhistory #digitalhumanities #datascience
Moving my way down the complexity tree - it was Google Analytics 4 which has now become UI hell to a bear of simple brain like myself.
Then it was Matomo - better, much better.
Now I've got an install of https://umami.is and man, it's nice. I don't think I need more than this for most of my personal sites - and in fact I'm not that sure that most of my smaller #museum clients will need much more either... #musetech
Are you an employee, volunteer, or student in the UK’s Galleries Libraries Archives and Museums and wider heritage (GLAM) sectors? (I assume this includes users of GLAM collections in #DigitalHumanities #DigitalHistory research too)
You can help evaluate the Towards a National Collection (TaNC) programme, shape the future of UK collections infrastructure and build a case for its future funding: https://www.research.net/r/Towards-a-National-Collection-Evaluation
#digitalhumanities #digitalhistory #musetech
@TeaKayB there's a whole GLAM server - glammr.us I think, and AusGLAM.space for Australians, and you can look for folk using hashtags like #MuseTech and #MuseSocial
Folk on the GEM list might know education-specific accounts
#DH2023 If you're interested in museums and social media, there's probably a national or regional conference where #MuseTech and #MuseSocial folk are sharing their successes and experiments with reaching different audiences for different purposes