I'm delivering a session to #MuseumEducators today to help them get set up on Mastodon, but I'd like to point them towards some folk who post and interact on the subject of #MuseumEd to get them started:
Recommend me the best #museum #education people in the Fediverse!
#education #museum #museumed #museumeducators
Looks good to me, but I've boosted in the hope that it will be seen by someone more knowledgeable!
I'm going to be doing some training for #MuseumEducators on getting started with Mastodon, and this will include showing them some different instances, partly for the purposes of explaining the role of different instances and the distributed nature of Mastodon, and to give them to examples that they may want to choose to sign up with (on the understanding that they agree with the rules laid out). Are you ok with me sharing your instance on that basis?
Museum internships really can turn into museum jobs. Our new assistant curator of education is just one example on staff. https://georgiamuseum.org/gmoa_blog/museum-welcomes-mallory-lind-as-assistant-curator-of-education/
#MuseumInternships #GeorgiaMuseumOfArt #ArtMuseum #MuseumEducators
#museuminternships #georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum #museumeducators