Hello world, hope you are well. I feel incredibly lost on here…
#denver #art #MuseumNerdsAbroad #historicalfencers #sewing #crochet #MakerFail
#denver #art #museumnerdsabroad #historicalfencers #sewing #crochet #makerfail
😍 Artwork of Conelia de Rijck c.1700 featuring Surinamese insects.
The work of this Dutch female artist enabled many to study in detail the form of insects when the specimens themselves were not available to them
#crawlycreatures #museumnerdsabroad #rijksmuseum #amsterdam
RT @flygirlNHM
Painted by Jacques de Gheyn I in
1600, this album was part of the Kunst-und Wunderkammer (cabinet of curiosities) of Emperor Rudolf II, big fan of the natural world
These images are so realistic! Love a mole cricket
#CrawlyCreatures #MuseumNerdsAbroad @rijksmuseum @JackDAshby
#crawlycreatures #museumnerdsabroad
Inspired by the brilliant Erica McAlister’s travels overseas✈️🪰 #MuseumNerdsAbroad #flies #sciart #illustration #diptera #fly #flying #airportart #nhm #illustration #illustratorsofmastodon #penandink #Ink #aeroplane #cartoon
#museumnerdsabroad #flies #sciart #illustration #Diptera #fly #Flying #airportart #nhm #illustratorsofmastodon #penandink #Ink #aeroplane #cartoon
Inspired by the brilliant Erica McAlister’s travels overseas✈️🪰 #MuseumNerdsAbroad #flies #sciart #illustration #diptera #fly #flying #airportart #nhm #illustration #illustratorsofmastodon #penandink #Ink #aeroplane #cartoon
#museumnerdsabroad #flies #sciart #illustration #Diptera #fly #Flying #airportart #nhm #illustratorsofmastodon #penandink #Ink #aeroplane #cartoon
Inspired by the brilliant @ericamcalister travels overseas✈️🪰
#MuseumNerdsAbroad #flies #sciart #illustration #diptera #fly #flying #airportart #nhm #illustration #illustratorsofmastodon #penandink #Ink #aeroplane #cartoon
#museumnerdsabroad #flies #sciart #illustration #Diptera #fly #Flying #airportart #nhm #illustratorsofmastodon #penandink #Ink #aeroplane #cartoon
RT @JackDAshby@twitter.com
Snap! There's a twin to @tasmuseum@twitter.com's #platypus-ball in the stores at @RBINSmuseum@twitter.com.
This is how #platypuses sleep, with their tails tucked over their bills.
#MuseumNerdsAbroad #taxidermy https://twitter.com/JackDAshby/status/1320642464609378305
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JackDAshby/status/1598228771626430464
#platypus #platypuses #museumnerdsabroad #taxidermy
RT @JackDAshby@twitter.com
Echidnas can really vary in their floofiness, depending where they live.
The furry bois in the middle of the drawer are from #Tasmania, where it gets rather chilly. Their hair is so long it almost conceals their spines. #MuseumNerdsAbroad #echidna #WildOz @RBINSmuseum@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JackDAshby/status/1598218010824568833
#tasmania #museumnerdsabroad #echidna #WildOz
RT @JackDAshby@twitter.com
Much like these fellas, I find working in museum storerooms so exciting that it's jawdropping.
#MuseumNerdsAbroad #taxidermy @RBINSmuseum@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/JackDAshby/status/1597936071178088457
Not a happy girl till I’ve seen an #Eurypterid
However one day I must see this species. Only a claw has been found which is a similar size to the specimen at the #RoyalBelgianInstituteOfNaturalSciences
#MuseumNerdsAbroad @JackDAshby - you need this outfit
#eurypterid #royalbelgianinstituteofnaturalsciences #museumnerdsabroad