The Museum is open! This afternoon we hosted #acoustics student Helen in Japan, who spent two hours listening to a history of #sound #recording!
Book your own Online Visit today at!
#onlinemuseum #history #SoundBeyondMusic #headphones #museum #MuseumOfPortableSound #Japan #Portsmouth
#acoustics #sound #recording #onlinemuseum #history #soundbeyondmusic #headphones #museum #museumofportablesound #japan #portsmouth
We're celebrating #InternationalMuseumDay this year with an online #Relaxation Listening Tour!
Get full details and Eventbrite tickets at our website:
#wellness #IMD2023 #relax #listening #ListeningParty #SoundMuseum #MuseumOfPortableSound
#internationalmuseumday #relaxation #wellness #imd2023 #relax #listening #listeningparty #soundmuseum #museumofportablesound
This year's #InternationalMuseumDay (18 May) has the theme Museums, Sustainability & Well-Being – so we're offering a special expanded online version of our museum's Relaxation-themed listening tour! Details coming soon...
#IMD2023 #Museums4WellBeing #Relaxation #Listening #OnlineTour #SoundMuseum #Sound #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#internationalmuseumday #imd2023 #museums4wellbeing #relaxation #listening #onlinetour #soundmuseum #sound #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek is also a #NewAcquisition: How To Give Yourself A Stereo Check-Out by Decca Records (1967).
This 12” LP was not only a standard test record of the time, but is also a mini crash course in important audio concepts like wow & flutter, Sound coloration, channel phasing and more.
#LPRecords #stereo #records #VinylRecords #WowAndFlutter #ChannelPhasing #SoundColoration #decca #DeccaRecords #TestRecord #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#objectoftheweek #newacquisition #lprecords #stereo #records #vinylrecords #wowandflutter #channelphasing #soundcoloration #decca #deccarecords #testrecord #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
US acoustician, MIT professor & inventor Leo Beranek using a Hush-A-Phone, a device for silencing phone calls. AT&T, who held a #monopoly over US #telephone service at the time sued against the device & lost, setting a legal precedent that eventually led to their own breakup.
#telephony #silence #acoustics #LeoBeranek #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#monopoly #telephone #telephony #silence #acoustics #leoberanek #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
If you or anyone you know (that includes you, @barackobama and @royalfamily ) can confirm the exact size of the Queen's iPod Classic's hard drive, please contact us via our official tip line:
#QueenElizabeth #iPod #iPodClassic #HowBigIsIt #TheRoyaliPod #WeNeedAnswers #MuseumOfPortableSound
#queenelizabeth #ipod #ipodclassic #howbigisit #theroyalipod #weneedanswers #museumofportablesound
"...Parametric acoustic arrays — also referred to as directional loudspeakers or acoustic lasers — are the most plausible technology, although other ultrasound technology may be at play."
Download the full (redacted) report from
#HavanaSyndrome #SonicWeapon #PortableSound #ultrasound #infrasound #acousticlaser #ParametricAcousticArrays #DirectionalLoudspeakers #report #declassified #FOIA #redacted #SonicWarfare #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#havanasyndrome #sonicweapon #portablesound #ultrasound #infrasound #acousticlaser #parametricacousticarrays #directionalloudspeakers #report #declassified #foia #redacted #sonicwarfare #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
There's never been a more critical time to support our #independent museum.
We're busier than ever, but can't get it done without more help. If you can, please consider backing us at for as little as US$1/month to help us:
#Digitize our Physical Objects;
#Reinstall our Permanent Collection of #Sounds;
and #Revise our extensive Gallery Guide book!
#Collections #Museum #MuseumWork #MuseumOfPortableSound #SupportUs #IndependentMuseum
#independent #digitize #reinstall #sounds #revise #collections #museum #museumwork #museumofportablesound #supportUs #independentmuseum
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek: Unopened Maxell Original UR IEC Type I Normal Bias Compact Cassette (date unknown; presumed 1990s). Detail images courtesy Museum of Portable Sound Archives.
#Maxell #CompactCassette #CassetteTape #NormalBias #MagneticTape #Cassettes #Archives #MuseumOfPortableSound #ItsOkayToBeNormal
#objectoftheweek #maxell #compactcassette #cassettetape #normalbias #magnetictape #cassettes #archives #museumofportablesound #itsokaytobenormal
This past weekend we welcomed a pair of visitors in Germany who listened to some of our recordings of classic audio gear in operation - like this 1981 Studer A 807 Mk 1 #tape machine we recorded at The Keep Archives in Brighton, UK in 2019.
Book your own visit TODAY at!
#StuderA807 #StuderA807Mki #OnlineMuseum #TapeRecorder #ReelToReel #TapeMachine #Listening #Sound #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#tape #studera807 #studera807mki #onlinemuseum #taperecorder #reeltoreel #tapemachine #listening #sound #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
'Japanese Otacoustic Fan' (1882). Developed at a Tokyo institute for the deaf, these fans of lacquered sheets used bone conduction to amplify sound.
#Hearing #HearingAid #HearingLoss #JapaneseDesign #BoneConduction #Otacoustic #Fan #Amplification #Skull #SoundBeyondMusic #CultureOfSound #MuseumOfPortableSound
#hearing #HearingAid #hearingloss #japanesedesign #boneconduction #otacoustic #fan #amplification #skull #soundbeyondmusic #cultureofsound #museumofportablesound
Marking 365 days since the Russian invasion of Ukraine by re-visiting the second object ever donated to our Physical Objects Collection: a 1988 Ukrainian AM/FM radio donated by Dr Kate Yonova-Doing, which was handed over to our care by her husband Karel on 16 Dec 2015. We express solidarity with the Ukrainian people and hope a peaceful resolution ends this horrific war soon.
#Ukraine #radio #AMFM #PhysicalObjectsCollection #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #peace #NoWar #MuseumOfPortableSound
#ukraine #radio #amfm #physicalobjectscollection #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #peace #nowar #museumofportablesound
Solar Sun Visor Speaker Radio (manufacturer unknown, 1980)
#solar #SolarEnergy #SolarPower #radio #visor #headgear #80s #80sFashion #PortableSound #PortableSoundInFashion #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound
#solar #solarenergy #solarpower #radio #visor #headgear #80s #80sfashion #portablesound #portablesoundinfashion #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Generously donated, along with a vinyl wallet filled with extra dictabelts and index cards, by Thomas Vogel. (2/2)
#ibm #executary #dictation #dictaphone #recording #voicerecorder #dictabelt #retrotech #obsoletetechnology #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#ibm #executary #dictation #dictaphone #recording #voicerecorder #dictabelt #retrotech #ObsoleteTechnology #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#RetroGaming #Videogames #Nintendo #Pokemon #Pikachu #DenshaDeGo64 #TrainSimulator #Simulator #90sTechnology #90s #Retro #microphone #CultureOfSound #SoundBeyondMusic #MuseumOfPortableSound #Sound #SoundMuseum #MuseumOfSound
#retrogaming #videogames #nintendo #pokemon #pikachu #denshadego64 #trainsimulator #simulator #90stechnology #90s #retro #microphone #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound #sound #soundmuseum #museumofsound
We've been a great place for couples to visit over the years, in person or online! Why not visit our museum with that special someone this year? Grab tickets & info here:
#ValentinesDay #ValentinesDay2023 #Listening #LoveListens #DateIdeas #DateNight #MuseumVisit #VisitUs #NowBooking #GetTickets #Destination #Museums #Museum #SoundMuseum #MuseumOfPortableSound
#valentinesday #valentinesday2023 #listening #lovelistens #dateideas #datenight #museumvisit #visitus #nowbooking #gettickets #destination #museums #museum #soundmuseum #museumofportablesound
Our #ObjectOfTheWeek is a Creative Zen Micro (2004), a 5GB hard drive- based portable audio player that also features a built-in FM radio tuner/recorder, voice recorder & microphone. Donated by @msmarypoppers.
#MP3Player #mp3 #creative #CreativeZen #CreativeZenMicro #MuseumObject #PortableSound #MuseumOfPortableSound
#objectoftheweek #mp3player #mp3 #creative #creativezen #creativezenmicro #museumobject #portablesound #museumofportablesound
CONGRATULATIONS to Dayang in Manila, the Philippines, who this morning became our 2,000th visitor!! Dayang will receive a package of FABULOUS PRIZES* in celebration of this major milestone in our museum’s history.
Book your own visit today at:
#visitor2000 #2000thvisitor #congratulations #manila #thephilippines #onlinevisit #museumvisit #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#visitor2000 #2000thvisitor #Congratulations #manila #thephilippines #onlinevisit #museumvisit #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Digitizing a ‘voice letter’ dictaphone recording from 1953 to add to our Permanent Collection of Sounds! #dictaphone #78rpm #vinyl #vinylcollection #1950s #audio #sound #museumcollection #museum #soundmuseum #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
#dictaphone #78rpm #vinyl #VinylCollection #1950s #audio #sound #museumcollection #museum #soundmuseum #cultureofsound #soundbeyondmusic #museumofportablesound
Members of the U.S. Military Telegraph Corps, formed in 1861 following the outbreak of the American Civil War, pose for a photo with their telegraph machine in Wilcox Landing, Virginia, circa 1864
#telegraph #sound #military #AmericanCivilWar #Virginia #InformationWarfare #MuseumOfPortableSound #SoundBeyondMusic
#telegraph #sound #military #americancivilwar #virginia #informationwarfare #museumofportablesound #soundbeyondmusic