Happy Sunday! It's the final day of #MuseumWeek and fittingly today's topic is, well, the #sun.
Today we'd love to hear about how you:
🌞 manage #sunlight in your #museum galleries
🌞 worked on something sun-themed
🌞 spread a little sunshine at work, or
🌞 are in fact just out enjoying the sun on your day off
#museumweek #sun #sunlight #museum #sunmw
Die #MuseumWeek endet heute mit dem Thema #SunMW und wir empfehlen eine Reise in den sonnigen Süden, und zwar nach Bergerac in Südfrankreich: https://musermeku.org/museen-bergerac-dordogne/
Today's #MuseumWeek prompt is #heritage: Jenny is particularly tickled that today's banner is from Sweden, so closely tied to her own roots.
What can heritage mean to you?
#museumweek #heritage #heritagemw
Das heutige Thema #HeritageMW der #MuseumWeek ist für uns eine gute Gelegenheit, auf das Maritime Erbe von „unserer“ Stadt #Hamburg hinzuweisen. Eine Übersicht zu den spannendsten Museen und Museumsschiffen gibt’s hier: https://musermeku.org/maritime-museen-hamburg/
#heritagemw #museumweek #hamburg
@thecwordpodcast Since it's based on a foundation of eugenics, stolen data, exploitation, secrecy, bias, environmental harm, AND isn't trustworthy, I'd say no.
Why add another layer of all those things to our work, which already struggles with many of those things?
Clearly, I have strong feelings on this one. Sadly, when I share it with evaluators, many of them ignore these points because they've bought into the AI hype.
#museumweek #ai #llm #badideas #evaluation
Today's #MuseumWeek prompt is around #AI and #museums: whatcha reckon, folks?
Is AI useful to us as #conservators?
#museumweek #ai #museums #conservators #aimw
Werke aus AI Bildgeneratoren überfluten seit einigen Wochen das Netz. Die Bilder faszinieren, werfen aber auch Fragen zur genutzten Datenbasis auf: https://musermeku.org/ai-bildgeneratoren/ #MuseumWeek #aiMW
Today's hashtag is #OceansMW for #MuseumWeek as it coincides with #WorldOceanDay
Show us your best #ocean based #collections and #conservation projects!
Could be:
🌊 Boats, ships, ocean bound vessels
🌊 Things that lived in the sea
🌊 Waterlogged artefacts
🌊 Shipwrecks and other maritime archaeology
🌊 Seascapes in art format
🌊 Maps (the more piratey the better)
Have at it, people!
#oceansmw #museumweek #worldoceanday #ocean #collections #conservation
Fast täglich endet die Flucht übers Meer für Menschen tödlich. Daran erinnert die Künstlerin Doris Salcedo mit ihrer Installation „Palimpsest“, die aktuell in der Fondation Beyeler zu sehen ist: https://musermeku.org/palimpsest-doris-salcedo/ #MuseumWeek #OceansMW
Today's #MuseumWeek hashtag is about #food and that's a contentious one for #conservators and collections staff out there, we'll bet.
We'd love to hear thoughts on:
🥫 If you've ever worked on food
🥫 How you handle food and drink in the museum (behind the scenes, for events, in the cafes, in galleries)
🥫 If you've ever found food items in your collections
#museumweek #food #conservators #foodmw #museums #collections
Wo Kunst und Kochen aufeinander treffen: Zum heutigen Thema der #MuseumWeek empfehlen wir das Buch „The Kitchen“ vom
Studio Olafur Eliasson. Es bietet eine Sammlung von Ideen, Bildern und vegetarischen Rezepten: https://musermeku.org/studio-olafur-eliasson-kitchen/ #FoodMW
Today's #MuseumWeek hashtag involves #Web3 and honestly we've still not worked out what that means.
Honestly it's hard to get away from tech bros talking about crypto currency, NFTs, blockchain and other fairly techy things when you hear Web3.
It's mostly reminding us how much we think NFTs are bollocks. 😬
Feel free to make us feel more inspired about this one!
Passend zum heutigen Thema der #MuseumWeek: Mit einem Multiplayer 8-Bit-Game des britischen Künstlers Thomas Webb fing 2020 alles an: https://musermeku.org/thomas-webb-koenig-galerie/
Das Game gibt es noch immer, es hat sich aber in 3 Jahren unglaublich weiterentwickelt. #Web3MW
@thecwordpodcast As a #conservator in private practice I get to make a lot of decisions myself, which is both great and awful, but mostly great!
I can make the decision to:
✅ Use suppliers committed to sustainability (or shout at them until they are)
✅ Reduce my dependency on single use plastics or overly toxic chemicals
✅ Use public transport
✅ Reuse materials in a variety of ways
✅ Repair equipment or source it second hand rather than buying new
So I do.
#conservator #environmentmw #museumweek
If #sustainability is your thing we really recommend listening to our episode Going Green: https://thecword.show/2018/09/19/s04e01-going-green/
It's got lots of great ideas for how to be a greener institution or private practice.
#podcasts #conservators #WorldEnvironmentDay #conservation #environment #MuseumWeek #EnvironmentMW #TheCWordPodcast
#sustainability #podcasts #conservators #worldenvironmentday #conservation #environment #museumweek #environmentmw #thecwordpodcast
It's #MuseumWeek this week and the first topic of the week is the #environment: an excellent start considering it's also #WorldEnvironmentDay! 🌏
We'd love to hear about how #conservators out there are thinking about this topic.
It could be:
♻️ How you're tackling waste via a #sustainability policy
🌡️ How you're managing the museum environment without the planet suffering too much
🐦 How you're using #collections to talk about climate change
Tell us things!
#museumweek #environment #worldenvironmentday #conservators #sustainability #collections #environmentmw
🔹Conjunto #Arqueológico Dólmenes de Antequera
¿#SabíasQue Gea era la diosa griega de la Tierra y la naturaleza?
🔹 Hoy, es el Día Mundial del #MedioAmbienteMW. Para comenzar la #MuseumWeek os invitamos a admirar la obra de Sergio Portela (Madrid, 1970).
#arqueologico #sabiasque #medioambientemw #museumweek #museumweek2023 #dolmenesdeantequera #patrimonio #andalucia
Die #MuseumWeek 2023 ist gestartet und heute steht alles unter dem Thema #EnvironmentMW:
Für viele Museen wird Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit ein immer wichtigeres Thema, das zeigte eine besondere Aktion zum Internationalen Museumstag in diesem Jahr: https://musermeku.org/museen-letzte-generation/
Mooie maar marketingtechnisch minderdoordachte van #museumkaart (@museumkaart): een kaart kan per museum maar 1 keer per dag gebruikt worden. Met z'n tweeën op een kaart lukt dus niet. Domme actie dus. #museumweek
RT @pastnotpast@twitter.com
Publié en 1919, 'Voyages en kaléidoscope', est l'unique roman d'Irène Hillel-Erlanger.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/pastnotpast/status/878248267301044224