The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president - Enlarge (credit: Banj Edwards | Aurich Lawson | Getty Images)
... - #ultimaonline #worldsaway #retrotech #features #internet #networks #dial-up #biz #1990s #modem #tech #mush #aol #bbs #isp #mud
#mud #isp #bbs #aol #mush #tech #modem #1990s #biz #dial #networks #internet #features #retrotech #worldsaway #ultimaonline
Ars Technica: The ‘90s Internet: When 20 hours online triggered an email from my ISP’s president #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #UltimaOnline #WorldsAway #retrotech #Features #Internet #networks #dial-up #Biz&IT #1990s #modem #Tech #1998 #MUSH #AOL #BBS #ISP #MUD
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #ultimaonline #worldsaway #retrotech #features #internet #networks #dial #biz #1990s #modem #mush #aol #bbs #isp #mud
##夢中 ##犬のきもち #dog #Inu #japan #Mush #Mushroom #pappy #pets #puppy #tokyo #vlog #イッヌ #いぬのきもち #おとなしい #お犬様 #お腹痛い #かわいい #くつろぐ犬 #すやすや #ソファ #チワマル #チワワ #パピー #ペット #ペットと一緒 #マッシュ #マッシュルーム #まるちー #マルチーズ #ルンルン #わんこ #体重 #出産 #初めて #大人しい #子ども #子犬 #愛犬 #成長 #挑戦 #犬 #犬と一緒 #犬用 #狆 #生後 #産まれる #癒し #遊び #陣痛
#陣痛 #遊び #癒し #産まれる #生後 #狆 #犬用 #犬と一緒 #犬 #挑戦 #成長 #愛犬 #子犬 #子ども #大人しい #初めて #出産 #体重 #わんこ #ルンルン #マルチーズ #まるちー #マッシュルーム #マッシュ #ペットと一緒 #ペット #パピー #チワワ #チワマル #ソファ #すやすや #くつろぐ犬 #かわいい #お腹痛い #お犬様 #おとなしい #いぬのきもち #イッヌ #vlog #tokyo #puppy #pets #pappy #mushroom #mush #japan #inu #dog #犬のきもち #夢中
Vous connaissez le jeu Mush, créé par Motion Twin ?
Quelqu’un a un compte, dessus ?
Est-ce que vous avez souvenir de difficultés à vous inscrire ?
C’est passé comme une lettre à La Poste en voulant me créer un compte, et ça ne fonctionne pas du tout pour un ami. J’ai essayé de lui créer un compte ça ne fonctionne pas non plus, et de me créer un autre compte avec autre nom d’utilisateur et autre adresse et ça ne marche pas non plus non plus.
RIP Andrew ‘Lainey’ Laing
another member of Leatherface has died, it's heartbreaking
#Leatherface #Lainey #AndrewLaing #Mush #PunkAsFuck
#CockneyRejects #AngelicUpstarts
#leatherface #lainey #andrewlaing #mush #punkasfuck #cockneyrejects #angelicupstarts
Current obsession is on an old game that was running on #flash from #MotionTwin. The name is #mush and it's a game of werewolf/amogus/mafia that takes place on a spaceship the crew has to maintain while researching a cure against the mush infection. The bad guys are the mush, which can both infect or kill crewmates, but discretion and cooperation is essential, as there is an immune person on the ship, which can both be trusted by every human onboard, and the key to researching the cure.
It is vastly different from the above games because there are no emergency meetings and trials, it is a simulation of survival on a ship that was launched too soon, where you are limited in actions throughout the day.
Side project started during #globalgamejam2023 is a new MU* called the Arboretum. Definitely could've pitched it better - the few of those that know MU*space were vet developers with far more robust plans. #mud #mush #electronicliterature
#globalgamejam2023 #mud #mush #electronicliterature
#女優 #大原櫻子 #佐藤健 #カノ嘘 #カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる #mush #actress
Went down a rabbit hole and ended up giving our web client a facelift today. Still some work to do before this is actually stable, but pretty excited to see the potential!
#MUDs #MOOs #MUSH #Evennia #Python #CSS #TextAdventure #MMORPG
#muds #moos #mush #evennia #python #css #textadventure #mmorpg
大原櫻子 – 明日も(Reprise version)MUSIC VIDEO
#actress #aiko #backnumber #J-pop #K綾香 #miwa #MUSH&Co. #victor #あいみょん #あの日のオルガン #いきものがかり #カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる #カノ嘘 #キンプリ #ジャニーズ #メタルマクベス #ゆず #三代目JSOULBROTHERS #劇団新感線 #大原櫻子 #女優 #広瀬すず #櫻子 #秦基博 #西野カナ
#西野カナ #秦基博 #櫻子 #広瀬すず #女優 #大原櫻子 #劇団新感線 #三代目jsoulbrothers #ゆず #メタルマクベス #ジャニーズ #キンプリ #カノ嘘 #カノジョは嘘を愛しすぎてる #いきものがかり #あの日のオルガン #あいみょん #victor #mush #miwa #K綾香 #j #backnumber #aiko #actress
This week we've been working on a #Druid skill called #Beast, which allows the player to morph different body parts into those of animals, unlocking various abilities dependent on the morphed parts!
Absolutely one of the most fun skills to work on so far. It's incredibly dynamic and has a lot of unique RP and play potential!
(PS. Please forgive "appendage" typo - we always catch something right after we post a screenshot!)
#ScreenshotSaturday #MUD #MUDs #MUSH #GameDev #TextBased #RetroGames #Evennia
#druid #beast #ScreenshotSaturday #mud #muds #mush #gamedev #textbased #retrogames #evennia
Speaking of ‘if you have the right hammer, everything is a nail’ ActivityPub could be the backbone of an excellent MUD-style cosplay community.
Or is this already happening? And if it is, is there a MicroMUSE flavour?
#mud #muse #retrogames #retrocommunity #mush #Moo
Just spent 2 hours playing Vampire Survivors and my brain = mush. #Xbox #VampireSurvivors #Mush
With the signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763 at the conclusion of the Seven Years’ War,
France ceded most of its territories in North America to Britain.
The French dog sled drivers would commonly use “marche” (walk) as the command to get the dogs to start moving.
When the British took over, this is thought to have eventually given rise to the English dog sledding command “mush,”
@georgetakei He'll step aside b/c his Saudi handlers have threatened him with a case of Moscow Window cancer if he doesn't hand it over. 🤮 👏
#mush #twitter #saudi #handlers #moscowcancer
The meltdown gets geopolitical #mElon #Mush #SaudiMoney #Journalism #EU
#melon #mush #saudimoney #journalism #eu
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBC6Music's #GideonCoe
🎵 Luxury Animals (6 Music Session, 28 Jun 2017)