'Where the Rainbow Ends'
Where the Rainbow Ends 🌈 with sun beams ☀️
(Aquarel by Geertje Geertsma (me))
#watercolor #mushroommeditations #mycology #mushrooms #mushroomart #mushroomlove
#mushroomlove #mushroomart #mushrooms #mycology #mushroommeditations #watercolor
A perfect spot for an exhibition 🙏
#sottobosco #putdeksel #cloudflowers #contemporaryart #mushroommeditations #mycology #mushrooms #enamel #mushroomart #mushroomlove #fantasticfungi #mushroomsofmastodon #mushroommagic #bos #nature #appearances #disappearances #experiences and #fairytales
#fairytales #experiences #disappearances #appearances #nature #bos #mushroommagic #mushroomsofmastodon #fantasticfungi #mushroomlove #mushroomart #enamel #mushrooms #mycology #mushroommeditations #contemporaryart #cloudflowers #putdeksel #sottobosco
Another beautiful illustration of slime molds, Diachea Leucopodia (witpootglinsterkopje) painted by William H. Crowder in 1926 for The National Geographic Magazine.
And I was able to purchase this edition!
#slimemold #mushroommeditations #mycology #mushrooms #mushroomart #mushroomillustration #appearances #disappearances and #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroomillustration #mushroomart #mushrooms #mycology #mushroommeditations #slimemold
I am in the mood to share some mushroom art!
Black mushrooms, or did they disappeared ... ? questions ...
This work was created by the artist Salvatore Arancio.
I love his work very much, maybe because I recognize something, his subjects ... craters, the force of nature and the magic of the world we live in. He is a wonderfull artist.
#salvatorearancio #mushroommeditations #pilze #paddenstoelen ##mycology #mushrooms #mushroomart #appearances #disappearances and #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroomart #mushrooms #mycology #paddenstoelen #pilze #mushroommeditations #salvatorearancio
Porcelain Fungus from an old book I received lately ... a gift from a sweet artist colleague
G. D. Swanenburg de Veve
'Paddestoelen in woord en beeld'
Illustrator: M. B. Selfhorst
#mushroommeditations #mycology #mushrooms #mushroomart #mushtodon #mushroomsociety #mushroomlove #mushroommonday
#mushroomillustration #appearances #disappearances and #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroomillustration #MushroomMonday #mushroomlove #mushroomsociety #mushtodon #mushroomart #mushrooms #mycology #mushroommeditations
Paulus de Boskabouter en Eucalypta picking Amanita Muscaria's.
This illustration comes from a Dutch childerens book written and illustrated between 1946 tot 1984 by Jean Dulieu aka Jan van Oort. He was also violist from 1944 until 1947 at the famous Concertgebouworkest in Amsterdam.
(Paulus de Boskabouter was also a Dutch television series a long time ago)
#🍄 #vliegenzwam #mushroommeditations #mushrooms #amanitamuscaria
#mushroomart #mushroommagic #appearances #disappearances and #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroommagic #mushroomart #amanitamuscaria #mushrooms #mushroommeditations #vliegenzwam
The magical world we live in ...
This is an enamel-glass tribute to #slimemold #myxomycetes
Slime-molds often look like glass so I made these. I often go into the park or the forest to look for them.
#cloudflowers #contemporaryart #mushroomart #entangledlife #slimemoldart #behang #mushroommeditations #psychedelic #fantasticfungi #mushroommagic #appearances #disappearances & #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroommagic #fantasticfungi #psychedelic #mushroommeditations #behang #slimemoldart #EntangledLife #mushroomart #contemporaryart #cloudflowers #myxomycetes #slimemold
I came across beautiful illustrations of Slime Molds on the web, painted by William H. Crowder in 1926 for The National Geographic Magazine.
And I was able to purchase this edition!
#slimemold #mushroommeditations #mycology #mushrooms #mushroomart #mushroomillustration #appearances #disappearances and #fairytales
#fairytales #disappearances #appearances #mushroomillustration #mushroomart #mushrooms #mycology #mushroommeditations #slimemold
CLOUD FLOWERS (enamel-glass)
'Mushrooms were the roses in the garden of that unseen world, because the real mushroom plant was underground. The parts you could see - what most people called a mushroom - was just a brief apparition. A cloud flower.' (Margaret Atwood, The Year of the Flood)
#cloudflowers #contemporaryart #mycelium #mushroommeditations #mycology #mushrooms #enamel #glassonmetal #mushroomart #fantasticfungi
#fantasticfungi #mushroomart #glassonmetal #enamel #mushrooms #mycology #mushroommeditations #mycelium #contemporaryart #cloudflowers