Just so y'all know, the #CowboyBebop #Soundtrack (various releases) is on Spotify. That wasn't the case for a long time, but now it is. Now excuse me while I debate wasting a lot of money on the limited box set version on Discogs for the umpteenth time. #music #musicaddict #letsjam #animesoundtrack #anime
#cowboybebop #soundtrack #music #musicaddict #letsjam #animesoundtrack #anime
The Dreamer is still Asleep Vol.2
το 2ο και τελευταίο CD & good night 🎸
#musicaddict #igotmusiconmymind
The Dreamer is still Asleep
το αφήνω εδώ για τους βραδινούς
#musicaddict #igotmusiconmymind
#musicaddict #igotmusiconmymind
One dream all around us
This big hush infects us all...
#musicaddict #movieaddict #myfucking80s #oiapenanti #Shriekback
#musicaddict #movieaddict #myfucking80s #oiapenanti #shriekback
Your Mind and We Belong Together...
#musicaddict #movieaddict #psych60s #loveband #arthurlee
My song, Turquoise Tears, deals with heartbreak and crying so much that you could fill rivers with your tears. Come experience the emotions on Spotify.
#chenelno1 #acousticmusic #musicaddict #newreleases #newreleasefriday #intags #followmeformore #newmusicsoon #newmusicontheway #newmusiccomingsoon #newmusiccoming #newmusicalert🚨 #newmusicrelease #acousticmusic #followmeformore #newmusicartist #musicalbum #newmusicfriday
#chenelno1 #acousticmusic #musicaddict #newreleases #newreleasefriday #intags #followmeformore #newmusicsoon #newmusicontheway #newmusiccomingsoon #newmusiccoming #newmusicalert #newmusicrelease #newmusicartist #musicalbum #newmusicfriday
What a new music Saturday I have coming up
New Pornographers
The Hold Steady
Tyler, the Creator
plus a weekend of Goose to catch up on
@DaveG24 @justinbruce
my funky funky dreams
#newwave80s #musicaddict #myfucking80s #mediummedium
Who's thinking constantly about getting a massage but never gets a real one?!
#musicaddict #eyelessingaza #myfucking80s
Słucham muzyki #muzyka #piosenka #utwory #rap #hiphop #rock #pop #jazz #klasyczna #elektroniczna #taneczna #EDM #producent #DJ #wokalista #rapper #zespół #gitara #piano #perkusja #bas #skrzypce #wiolonczela #flet #trąbka #saksofon #głos #kompozytor #teksty #melodia #rytm #harmonia #refren #beat #video #muzyczne #koncert #live #trasa #festiwal #muzyczny #album #nagranie #EP #singiel #pobieranie #streaming #playlista #miłośnik #fan #kolekcja #uzależniony #nerd #geek #muzykologia #historia #kultura #branża #biznes #marketing #PR #dziennikarstwo #fotografia #design #technologia #oprogramowanie #aplikacja #tworzenie #edukacja #szkoła #trening #teoria #doświadczenie #chwila #wspomnienie #inspiracja #wpływ #ewolucja #scena #społeczność #współpraca #partnerstwo #sieć #miejsce #studio #nagrywanie #produkcja #inżynieria #miksowanie #mastering #licencja #prawa #wydawnictwo #dystrybucja #promocja #music #song #songs #producer #DJ #singer #rapper #band #guitar #piano #drums #bass #violin #cello #flute #trumpet #saxophone #voice #composer #lyrics #melody #rhythm #harmony #chorus #beat #musicvideo #livemusic #tour #concert #gig #festival #musicfestival #album #record #EP #single #download #stream #playlist #musiclover #musicfan #musiccollection #musicaddict #musicnerd #musicgeek #musicology #musichistory #musicculture #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicmarketing #musicpr #musicjournalism #musicphotography #musicdesign #musictechnology #musicsoftware #musicapp #musiccreation #musiceducation #musicschool #musictraining #musictheory #musicexperience #musicmoment #musicmemory #musicinspiration #musicinfluence #musicevolution #musicscene #musiccommunity #musiccollaboration #musicpartnership #musicnetwork #musicvenue #musicstudio #musicrecording #musicproduction #musicengineering #musicmixing #musicmastering
#muzyka #piosenka #utwory #rap #hiphop #rock #pop #jazz #klasyczna #elektroniczna #taneczna #edm #producent #dj #wokalista #rapper #zespol #gitara #piano #perkusja #bas #skrzypce #wiolonczela #flet #trabka #saksofon #glos #kompozytor #teksty #melodia #rytm #harmonia #refren #beat #video #muzyczne #koncert #live #trasa #festiwal #muzyczny #album #nagranie #ep #singiel #pobieranie #streaming #playlista #milosnik #fan #kolekcja #uzalezniony #nerd #geek #muzykologia #historia #kultura #branza #biznes #marketing #pr #dziennikarstwo #fotografia #design #technologia #oprogramowanie #aplikacja #tworzenie #Edukacja #szkola #trening #teoria #doswiadczenie #chwila #wspomnienie #inspiracja #wplyw #ewolucja #scena #spolecznosc #wspolpraca #partnerstwo #siec #miejsce #studio #nagrywanie #produkcja #inzynieria #miksowanie #mastering #licencja #prawa #wydawnictwo #dystrybucja #promocja #music #song #songs #producer #singer #band #guitar #drums #bass #violin #cello #flute #trumpet #saxophone #voice #composer #lyrics #melody #rhythm #harmony #chorus #musicvideo #livemusic #tour #concert #gig #festival #musicfestival #record #single #download #stream #playlist #musiclover #musicfan #musiccollection #musicaddict #musicnerd #musicgeek #musicology #musichistory #musicculture #musicindustry #musicbusiness #musicmarketing #musicpr #musicjournalism #musicphotography #musicdesign #musictechnology #musicsoftware #musicapp #musiccreation #musiceducation #musicschool #musictraining #musictheory #musicexperience #musicmoment #musicmemory #musicinspiration #musicinfluence #musicevolution #musicscene #musiccommunity #musiccollaboration #musicpartnership #musicnetwork #musicvenue #musicstudio #musicrecording #musicproduction #musicengineering #musicmixing #musicmastering
When they kick at your front door
How you gonna come?
With your hands on your head
Or on the trigger of your gun?
-The guns of Brixton
#musicaddict #gunsofbrixton #theclash #myfucking80s
Ο Θάνος στο σπίτι με τον γιο του τζαμάρουν με το Where Did You Sleep Last Night
-Μάρτιος 2016
#diafanakrina #thanosanestopoulos #musicaddict
I know that there is music out there that I have not yet heard which I will love when I eventually do hear it.
Which is why I spend so much time searching for my next hit.
Here are the young men, the weight on their shoulders
(Here are the young men, well where have they been? )
#joydivision #musicaddict #myfucking80s
Someday, you'll get, older
I'll be right behind you
Someday, you may forget me
(Well that's okay with me...)
#musicaddict #music #myfucking80s #bornruffians #indierock
Liebe Tröties, haut doch bitte mal eure All-Time-Favourites oder Songs, die ihr in bestimmten Lebenslagen immer wieder gern hört, raus. Gern auch mit kurzer Erklärung dazu, wer mag. Ich möchte meine Musiksammlung erweitern und freu mich über Inspiration. #musik #music #musicaddict
Não adianta chorar
Não adianta gritar
Tudo que se ama
A vida nos dá
-Dedicated to Trio Mocotó
#musicaddict #brazil #sambarock #triomocoto